we survived (just abouts)


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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what a day! bear with me, this could be long..

i was up at 0700 to get to the yard for 0740 (had to get money for my cap and water for horsies to drink) so I could feed, groom and plait.

we left the yard at 0930 to go to Dumbarton to collect jerry's hunting buddy and arrived to find no parking spaces. :eek:
I tried to reverse up the driveway into the kennels but I didn't have enough space to turn so I ended up driving until I found a t-junction where we bumped into a skitty horse. I eventually managed to turn around and look for somewhere to park.
long story short - the lorry got stuck and I was in tears on the phone to my dad.

thankfully, some of the guns (is that the right description?) had a truck and some rope and they managed to tow it out (i owe them big time).
I'd unloaded the horses before this and they were chilling in the arena although I'm told that jerry tried to roll with his saddle on - naughty horse.

I ended up having to park in the village and hitch a ride back to the kennels.

so.. my hunting buddy and I finally left the kennels at 1215 (45 mins late) and set off in the hope of finding everyone, which we did. :)

jerry was really good - we have apparently decided that walls are too scary to jump at the moment so we settled for jumping a few gates instead :D
I managed to fall off! my poor boots are caked in mud :( silly me over-folded and I fell off after we'd jumped the last gate - oops.

so anyways, we really enjoyed our day out and I might even go back :p
assuming the L and R will have us ;)

hopefully pictures will follow this :)