Please can anyone suggest a good all-round weed killer to get rid of dock, thistles and nettles and how soon afterwards can you re-seed the weedy areas?
Agritox 50-wiped out the docks and nettles in my paddock-don't know about thistles-didn't have any.
If you google Agritox it'll give you all the info-sorry, don't know how to do links
The best thing to do is to go to an agricultural suppliers and let them know your acreage and what you are looking to erradicate and let them know you have horses and they will ensure you have the right thing and instructions.
I actually did that this morning. They sold me Nepitox (I think it's called), it seems to kill pretty well all noxious weeds and you only need to keep the horses off the field for a couple of weeks after using it. Waiting for some rain now as it says not to use it in drought conditions and we've certainly got that. We did get a shower this morning but it hasn't done anything for the concrete ( sorry . . . ground!!) at all.