The Realtime link, which I used to get a larger screen image than the little one on the website during the Aachen CSIO in May, seems not to be working at present. On the website one, the picture was there for me from before the start at 2pm, but there was no sound. I sent them an e-m to report these problems and the sound finally started at 2.38!
The Ceremony finished just before 4pm (5pm their time). I was quite amused that they chose to play Scotland the Brave to accompany the display by the German state stallions!
Nice to be welcomed back - thank you! Health problem has meant I've not been able to spend much time using the PC during the past 6 weeks and have been having to play catch up with all aspects of life.
Just been looking at the results of this weekend's Valkenswaard CSI5* (a favourite show venue of mine) -
To get Eurosport with Freeview it's necessary to pay a monthly sub to TopUp TV, but it doesn't provide access all the time. See for details.
We've had it on all day, watched the opening cermony this morning (God I want those state stallions - very stunning!!) and have seen lots of clips from past games, the final stages of the endurance and have just watched a display of Friesians. Now onto pony trotters (so cute!)
OH wont be having his PC back for the next two weeks!! Don't want to miss anything good now
The streaming is...just OK. Very pixellated and a very small window but better than nothing. No comentary wither. Looks like Sandy's horse was hopping around...shame...
Glad you're feeling better, I too have been off colour for eight weeks and doesn't it depress you...
They seem to have found my problem now and I am steadily recovering, hope you are too.
Nice to see you back!