Weighted hind boot or something needed to improve muscle tone

Eventing Girl

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17 January 2016
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My horse had surgery last year on her stifle. She is now sound and back eventing and having physio. The physio has suggested using a weighted boot or something on her hind leg to help her use it a bit more so the muscle will build up gradually.

I can only find one kind of weighted boot on the internet and wondered if anyone had used any alternative methods for this......

TIA :)

be positive

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9 July 2011
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I had a similar idea with my horse and my physio said good in theory but in practice it probably would make no difference to how he used the leg as he would get either used to it very quickly and then have no benefit or that it may cause him to not lift the leg so well or over compensate in the wrong area and have the opposite to the desired effect so we used other methods.

I had a selection of different boots which I changed randomly, fetlock boots, long soft boots and some stiffer ones, also a sausage boot some days no boot, the swapping about seemed to help make him think about the leg a bit more and along with the numerous exercises and daily strapping he built up well, as yours is already out competing I would want to be careful about using anything that may effect how she moves as if she over compensates it may do more harm than good

Just to add if it was something that was recommended by physios there would be purpose made products available and we would all be using them during rehab, they are not readily available which makes me think my physio was correct or there is a gap in the market we should be working on.
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Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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My physio suggested a human ankle/ wrist weight for the gym. I've been thinking about it again recently as opposed to pole work on the lunge as despite persevering, we cannot crack poles on the lunge, they just send her into a frenzy!


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7 June 2007
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My horse had surgery last year on her stifle. She is now sound and back eventing and having physio. The physio has suggested using a weighted boot or something on her hind leg to help her use it a bit more so the muscle will build up gradually.

I can only find one kind of weighted boot on the internet and wondered if anyone had used any alternative methods for this......

TIA :)

I can understand the reasoning for using a weighted boot, but I'd only be using it sparingly as it could be too much strain on the muscle if used all the time, and would loose effectiness quickly. You could try using the boot only after warming up for short periods, and not everyday. Or even only using the boot when out hacking, and up hills. Or just using them when lunging
Only issue is that the stifle is a very mobile joint (afaik!) so putting extra strain on it might cause it to weaken, and put too much "pull" on the joint.

Your horse would need to be working correctly over the back and engaging correctly with hind leg to have any effect with a weighted boot imo, otherwise you would be just putting excess strain on the leg.

These are just my thoughts :) YO has a pair of weighted woof boots that you can put weights in/add in more but these were from the old eventing days, might get a pair on eBay :)

Ets. You might be better off putting a curb chain loosely around the pastern (tied with bailing twine) as that would encourage better awareness of leg & use rather than putting on weights :)


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18 December 2010
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I would be worried about straining him by using weights.

Lots of hill work, lots of long and low in a bungee. When ridden little gear changes, lateral work varying the frame and counter leg yield in canter would help.


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9 February 2016
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Poles are probably the best thing, propreceptive aids such as boots only work for around 20 secs after putting them on


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Weighted boots can be used to improve some issues .
But it's complicated you need the right sort of weight and boots to get the effect you need .
Some issues can be made worse ,some physio's have a special interest in this type of rehab you really need to track one down .

Eventing Girl

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17 January 2016
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Thank you for all your replys :)

I should have explained myself a little better. She is a year into her recovery and everything has been done by the book. I am not about to ride just in a weighted boot, it will just be a small part of the process along with everything else that has been mentioned above. We are doing poles, hill work, straight line canter work, lateral work, (not into bungees and gadgets I'm afraid). My physio is very cautious and obviously taking it all slowly so we get a proper build up and recovery and not a quick fix. We are in it for the long haul :) I was just trying to see if anyone knew where I could get one or had an alternative idea. Many thanks for all your help :)


Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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Thank you for all your replys :)

I should have explained myself a little better. She is a year into her recovery and everything has been done by the book. I am not about to ride just in a weighted boot, it will just be a small part of the process along with everything else that has been mentioned above. We are doing poles, hill work, straight line canter work, lateral work, (not into bungees and gadgets I'm afraid). My physio is very cautious and obviously taking it all slowly so we get a proper build up and recovery and not a quick fix. We are in it for the long haul :) I was just trying to see if anyone knew where I could get one or had an alternative idea. Many thanks for all your help :)

can you not use an EMS machine on it, or is the muscle in an awkward place to attach the electrodes? Surely its quads, hamstrings or gluteals?


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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Just a thought, ask your physio about the possibility of using taping to encourage correct use of the muscle.

We have used taping with great success :)


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1 September 2008
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What about using a water treadmill if there is one in your area, no worry about any extra weight pulling anything and generally they drop their head and work over their back so all the correct muscles will be in play too, I know a few people who use them to good effect for strengthening up the back / SI etc.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2009
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Ages ago, one of my physios (when I lived in oxford), said to tie a curb chain or similar gently round weak leg above fetlock (in such a way wont rub). Not for weight, but for increase awareness of that leg, and better proprioception, to increase activity of that leg.