Well videos from start of my lesson yesterday


Well-Known Member
22 July 2011
Mainland Europe
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Not sure if this is the correct place to post these, but as i am not aiming at competitions thought perhaps best not inundate CR.


In earlier post on same link I have writen a lengthy recap of how i felt the lesson went if anyone has some time to kill and wishes to read it, ;)

I'm getting decidedly more adventurous in my posting following my timid foray into HHO posting last week Photos

Hopefully you'll all continue to be as nice, welcoming and understanding!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2011
Mainland Europe
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Thanks Rhino - we are currently no world beaters but hoping to continue on an upwards curve in our improvement! Whole hoopla can be read in blog - although warning as posts can be very long!
Apologies in advance!

No real plans at the moment, although i am hoping to corner the RI at the yard this week and get her to explain to me what is involved in the ridden and theory tests required to get a licence to compete here. May not have the skills required this season, but if i know that's what i'll be working towards and who knows...perhaps get my girly out to some continental competitions!

We jumped 80s, 90s and 1m in Ireland but ran into no amount of issues since moving out here. Fingers crossed that is all water under the bridge and we can start back with new focus and better riding - preferably style classes if i can clean my act up enough...but again I am still quite hazy on exactly how competitions work out here so will know more when i can find more out.

Thanks for viewing!