Wellington boots for riding yes or no?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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I had the misfortune of getting half way to work this morning before realizing I had left my lovely Ariat Coniston boots at home :( I wanted to ride after work and with no spares in the car aka potable tack-room/wardrobe decided to pop into the local charity shop and see if I could pick up some walking boots or similar to ride in at the end of the day. No walking boots, but at £1.50 a pair of size 5 wellingtons seemed a perfect option. I bought them and put them in the car, smugly looking forward to being able to ride later. Got to the field and put on the bargain pair of un-glam wellies which came half way up my skinny calves. The gaps left sufficient room for a small ferret in each leg, nevertheless I caught my horse and got ready. Never mind I thought there can't be THAT much difference - oh yes there is! The soles were a little thinner and a tad more flexible so my stirrups went up a hole - great for heels down toes up! All good so far, until I started to trot and the small portion of jodhpured calf poking out the top got pinched at every rise creating a need to adjust my position to avoid smarting at every step. Good job it was only a short ride! I came home and having found optimum position for my legs which was still within the trained heel hip and shoulder in line zone I cantered down the lane to my fields gate, hopped off and vowed never again! My question is are wellies for riding or field work. Muck boot wellies both are fine, a pair, dunlop wellies? I await replies with eager anticipation. Oh and don't dare ask how many pairs of riding boots I have so why didn't I have a pair in the car?;)


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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If they have a heal then not too bad no heal then you could end up "enjoying" what I did a few years ago, horse bucked, wellied foot got stuck in the stirup and wana be cowboy did a lap ot the arena
upside down alongside horse !!!! not recomended peeps!!! be carefull out there ....


Well-Known Member
8 October 2009
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I rode in wellies once and it was a nightmare! Like you I had skinny calves (back then!) My legs got pinched to pieces, my horse spooked and I lost my stirrup, the floppy welly fell off spooking my horse even more, she tanked off, threw in a couple of mahoosive bucks, I came off, then had to catch my horse wearing only one welly, then I had to go get my other welly. Sounds not too bad? It was in the middle of the winter, in a field, very wet and muddy and I ended up losing my sock in the mud too thus had a very wet, muddy and cold foot! Never ever again!!


Well-Known Member
8 June 2009
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I always ride in wellies schooling and hacking (except when compeating obviously). Even Horrid Herbie. Mine have a heel on. I realy don't see much difference between them and boots to be honest.
I have a pair of steal toe cap dunlop wellies. ( very good for yard work when a heavely pregnant broodmare jumps on your foot LOL)