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I have an 11 yr old daughter who has been riding for several years and is mad keen. We recently took on a pony to loan with a view to buying. The pony is 14.1hh, Welsh sec C cross E, and has reportedly done a lot of jumping in the past.
The pony is the sweetest, kindest little thing on the ground, and generally a real darling when being ridden, however he has a habit of tanking off with her and bucking on the odd occasion (with no real warning given). He's always worse if he's not been out in the field prior to riding.
He has decked her a couple of times, because when he goes, he does it properly and it has shaken her up slightly, although she still gets back on every time and tries again.
I'm looking for your advice on whether I should invest in the pony (which we both adore), and whether you think she'll grow into him and get a handle on him. Or whether I should find something else?
She wants to compete, but at the moment I wouldn't trust taking him to a show in case he plays up, which in that environment he probably would.
I have ridden him when he's playing up with my daughter and he's fine with me on, so he really is just taking the mick.
He is currently ridden in a full cheek french link snaffle with a flash and martingale. We have had his back checked and it's fine.
Might a stronger bit be a better solution? If so what would you recommend? I'm thinking cherry roller, but not really sure.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
The pony is the sweetest, kindest little thing on the ground, and generally a real darling when being ridden, however he has a habit of tanking off with her and bucking on the odd occasion (with no real warning given). He's always worse if he's not been out in the field prior to riding.
He has decked her a couple of times, because when he goes, he does it properly and it has shaken her up slightly, although she still gets back on every time and tries again.
I'm looking for your advice on whether I should invest in the pony (which we both adore), and whether you think she'll grow into him and get a handle on him. Or whether I should find something else?
She wants to compete, but at the moment I wouldn't trust taking him to a show in case he plays up, which in that environment he probably would.
I have ridden him when he's playing up with my daughter and he's fine with me on, so he really is just taking the mick.
He is currently ridden in a full cheek french link snaffle with a flash and martingale. We have had his back checked and it's fine.
Might a stronger bit be a better solution? If so what would you recommend? I'm thinking cherry roller, but not really sure.
Any advice greatly appreciated.