Went on my second ever "hunt meet" yesterday!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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PMSL!!! I love Miss P. She's such a character.

Hounds are no problem, she was fine when they came off their trailer. Wasn't at all bothered by them. Good girl, considering she's never seen them before.

Day started off well with the hounds leaving the car park and promptly piddling off up a footpath next to a free range chicken farm.

Took a while to get them back. Lots of trotting, and even a bit of un-requested cantering, on the road until we hit the farm ride we were heading over.

As soon as they set off over grass it was blatantly obvious that P and I were missing one minor detail of our tack......BRAKES!

She kept overtaking people with me saying "sorry...no brakes". Was happy to be behind the Field Master for the most part and we seemed welcome up there, so all was good.

She was still galloping everywhere by the end and merrily jogged/trotted down the lane back to the car park where we'd set off from.

Jumped some lovely fences, a few at a flyer. Alot of them we couldn't jump as we were hurtling towards them far too fast to attempt them! All in all it was a grand 3 hours out. Fabulous in fact.

There were plenty of breaks for the hounds (and us) and P soon recovered her breathing to normal. Everyone was so welcoming and chatty too. All passing their hip flasks of wine and gin around! They laid on chips and bread and butter at the end and welcomed my ginger cake (see previous thread)....although it was grossly un-necessary!

I much prefer how P felt today, even though we were lacking brakes. She just flowed more and seem happier (I suspect because she thought "wahey......she can't stop me!") Will try the medium port myler comfort snaffle on with the hope she can't take a hold as much. She didn't open her mouth in the KK Correction bit once, or get her tongue over the bit, although that's probably due to the Worcester noseband more than anything else.

We did have to remove all "go faster" aids at one point though. Whip and spurs were chucked in the back of the whipper-in's (is that the right term?) Land Rover. She certainly had no issues in going forward!

Brilliant day. Many thanks to maggiesmum and Star too. They had a blast too!



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Thrilled you had so much fun. It is quite permissible to overtake as long as it's safe to do so. And as long as it's not the master or the hunt staff....

I'm not sure if I've suggested it before or not - but I'd try a Kimblewick. Miss P is built so like my little girl was - and the KBW was a godsend.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Jointed one?

Just not sure about a straight or ported bar one as she can clearly lean/take hold of that.

That said, she really does like the ported mouthpiece as she no longer opens her mouth or pulls faces when exerting any rein pressure.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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No - ported mouth. AM went really, really well in it. And actually, I only used it at the beginning of the season(s) and then reverted back to a snaffle - once she'd settled...