Wet and windy Intro C


Have Marmite, will travel
12 November 2017
South Oxfordshire
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It's taken a while to decide to post this, apologies in advance for the length!
As said before, my gorgeous Welsh Sec D riding school horse is 18 and not exactly dressage orientated, I'm 63 a newbie novice. Two weeks ago we did Intro C.
Last but one to compete, as we entered the arena the sunshine gave way to strong winds and driving rain. I have zero experience in such conditions (nice, dry indoor school when weather kicks up) and naively expected Horse just to carry on regardless. Wrong! He HATED it and we had a few differences of opinion about direction! My poor instructor/caller was drenched, the test sheets turned to mush, and the competitor after us had done a runner and was nowhere to be seen. I thought we'd done appallingly, was speechless at scoring 59.3%, third place and only 1.5% behind the winner, with a Well Done from the judges for keeping going in difficult conditions.
I love Horse more than ever now (if that's possible), would like to try a Prelim (he won't thank me) but his canter is a cavalry charge so I'm not sure....

No pics from the day, this one is him last September, if it works...
