Wet bedding!


Well-Known Member
28 June 2019
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Morning all.

I have a cob with very feathery feet. I have always deep littered him and had no issued. The last few weeks he has been very wet. He messes in the same place everyday that not a problem but wet bedding i seam to be taking a good 2 barrows out everyday. Is this normal? I am finding that i am going though shavings like they are free. I have tried cheap shavings that are dusty (i dint put them down when he is in) thinking they will also dry his feet out with the sawdust. I have tried Mega sped which look nice but are a nightmare to muck out on. I have even tried chippings and they are no use at all.

His stable is full of shavings and rubber matting down under neath it. I wonder if he has to much bed down and i need to go back to how i used to with mt TB just having a bed in the corner of the stable?

Its driving my ODC of a nice white clean bed mad ha!

Any suggestions/ ideas would be greatly appropriated?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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That horse in my avatar is a mud magnet and I have seriously had to get over any aspirations of a pretty white bed! I started him on wood pellets but with how horrendous the fields have got he is now on a layer of chopped straw stuff which is doing a great job of drying his feathers out. But OMG it does look grim.

2 bales a week just to keep it healthy-ish, I've given up on the colour. Deeper bed is better for him but not for my wallet.

The other thing with very wet horses is being certain they haven't got EMS. The excess sugar in their system can cause them to wee a lot.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2019
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That horse in my avatar is a mud magnet and I have seriously had to get over any aspirations of a pretty white bed! I started him on wood pellets but with how horrendous the fields have got he is now on a layer of chopped straw stuff which is doing a great job of drying his feathers out. But OMG it does look grim.

2 bales a week just to keep it healthy-ish, I've given up on the colour. Deeper bed is better for him but not for my wallet.

The other thing with very wet horses is being certain they haven't got EMS. The excess sugar in their system can cause them to wee a lot.

Thanks for the advice.
Annoyingly we have to be on shavings on the yard!
I mean he inst that wet that it is squelching under foot, its like you say it looks grim. there is defo no smell. He isn't over dripping so im not worried, i had EMS check and all clear.
He has only started being dirty in the last few weeks, it odd as we had most of winter and he been clean. Odd Pony!


Well-Known Member
13 March 2010
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I see a noticeable difference in my bed (Laysoft) depending on the weather. Nice dry spell - the bed stays cleaner. Lots of rain - it soon turns brown. I think the dampness in the air affects it as I’m pretty sure the walls/floor don‘t leak.