Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
My beloved Holly cat is 15 and becoming a little hard to feed without it going straight through her. She has started to look old, isn't nearly as agile as she was, has no teeth left and I'm a bit worried about her weight. This time last year she had a full check up with bloods and everything came back normal which the vet was really pleased about but he did warn me that as they age they lose the ability to absorb protein. She currently has the Purina Gold Pate as she can lick it easily and seems to really enjoy it but I think it might be to rich for her now.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a wet food I could try her on so she gains weight and which wont give her a poorly tum. Thank you on behalf of one very blonde silver tabby.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a wet food I could try her on so she gains weight and which wont give her a poorly tum. Thank you on behalf of one very blonde silver tabby.