What a day!!!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Have been on nights so only had a few hours sleep before getting up to sort the new horse out. First of all the dog ran out of the front door and over the road to jump up at some poor guy on a bike nearly being run over in the process. Theres me running down the road with no shoes on getting some very irrate looks from drivers!!
I get to the yard and Aleeta is in her stable happily munching hay so I proceed to walk the dog. Get back from walk and 2 other mares tied on yard one being turned out the other being lunged. Both owners were great and let me know when they were leaving as this would leave Aleeta on her own. She get very upset (which I kind of new would happen) and started to box walk and rear up in stable (she is only 2 1/2 and i've only had her 2 days) I went to shut the top door as I was worried about her jumping out but someone had tied it up with string. Friend in school heard the commotion and came to help. In meantime I had asked another livery to give me a hand but she point blank refused as she felt she may get injured so stood and watched me struggling to shut the top door with my poor horses legs waving over the bottom half. I never did get the door closed and low and behold as I was trying to cut the string she lurched over and ended up balanced on the door by her stifle. She didn't panic much and let the YM (who was fab and calm) unscrew the hinges and lower the door. By this time I had called the vet just incase we could't get her off. Its a good job we did as the vet took 1 hour to get to us!!! (its only a 10min drive). He checked her over and she is ok apart from a few scrapes and a little bruising. I turned her out and she acted like butter wouldn't melt just wondered off and grazed quietly. Vet vaccinated her and she was wormed tonight so at least now she can go out with all the other horses and start to make friends. Poor girl just does not understand whats happening to her. I'm planning on spending the next few weeks teaching her to stand and tie up and lead properly. I'm just glad today is over its a shame i'm working again tonight coz I really could do with a glass or 4 of wine. I'm sure there will be many more posts of our trials and tribulations that should make interesting reading!!


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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What a day indeed!! Sounds like you deserve a stress free night. Good job you were there, the "friend" on your yard would'nt have been much use.

I cant understand people that just stand there and not help when the situation was dire. You did well under the circumstances, well done.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2006
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gosh thought i'd had a bad day, yours makes mine sound like bliss, will have a glass of wine for you