What a great song!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Skid, when the song started I was wondering why you didn't like him.
He started off well, worried about the countryside but then it all became clear, someone else from the counrty not liking the hunts and CA.
Its good to see you're keeping on with the traditional pro attitude, if they're against hunting then they must be from the city.

He has a point, where were the CA when the pits were closing, when the poll tax was theeatening the people of the counrty and when the war demos were on?

He summed the CA and pros up well.


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
North Devon my dear
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"where were the CA when the pits were closing, when the poll tax was theeatening the people of the counrty"

Firstly It hadn't been formed when these things were going on.

Secondly The CA campaigns specifically on rural issues.

You might as well ask why the RSPB didn't join the struggle against the poll tax.

It's a bird charity.


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17 March 2007
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"typical anti attitude that were all incestuous, paedophiliac toffs"
Typical? I have never heard anyone say that Pro's are "paedophiliac", some of you might come across as stuck up Mother F***ers but I haven't heard any say you're kiddy fiddlers.


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17 March 2007
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Oh, so now are you saying that monitors who use their recording equipment at hunts to document hunters possibly breaking the law are using the images, that may contain images of minors, for sexual reasons?
(I am assuming this as it was you that posted comments such as "paedophiliac" and now refering to people "filming children")

Are CCTV cameras in shops, shopping centres, car parks, on private houses, etc breaking some sort of law or being accused of sexual crmes against minors as they may record a minor while recording other things?

Does the CA direct their members NOT to record minors that may be monitoring a hunt?


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17 March 2007
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Do you ask very minor to do everything?
Was the 14yr old arrested in the Japanese embassy asked to do it or did she do it because she wanted to?
Someones age does not restrict them from picking up a camera and recording possible criminal acivities.

Instead of trying to look clever, answer the questions. (I know you (YorksG) didn't start on the "paedophiliac" comments but if you join in at least put something worthwhile.)


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
I did not say that i believed antis that "monitor" hunts are using the films of children for sexual reasons. I think that if they are going to suggest that huntsman are paedophiles, maybe they should look at the way their own actions could be taken (ie. filming children)
Personally i dont see why the field needs to be "monitored" when its the pack that would be breaking the law. Their should be no reason for them to film children, as (as far as im aware) there are no children that are full time huntsman, whipper-ins etc.
Secruity cameras etc. cannot pick and choose what to film, so i dont see how they compare to an anti with a video recorder.


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17 March 2007
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"I think that if they are going to suggest that huntsman are paedophiles"
Cut down on the generalisations and we might get somewhere.

"maybe they should look at the way their own actions could be taken (ie. filming children)"
I don't believe that they are there "filming children" but children may be filmed if they are present in the same way CCTV record children when recording something else.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
"He summed the CA and pros up well"
In the song there is a line about a huntsman smearing blood on his daughters face and then dragging her back to bed.
If you think that sums up pros well then i am not the one generalising (or talking complete boll*cks).
I agree that they do not film children on purpose, that is not my point. But take my opinions however you wish.
My original point was I think the song is ridiculous, its over the top, typical anti view. Making more of a deal out of the people that hunt than any animal cruelty that may go on.


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17 March 2007
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I didn't hear that line, if is in there then I can see why you (and others) may take that as offensive, for me the song pointed out that the hunting people of this country only kicked up a fuss when their "sport" was threatened, not really caring about the other issues but recognised that "rural affairs" would bring more people together than just a hunting issue.
I believe there would have been a bigger turn out in London if the hunting peole hadn't have been there, I would have been there but couldn't and wouldn't be seen at a demo with anyone fighting for their "rights" and not the wildlife of this counrty.

As for typical anti views how about "hes probably never seen a fox yet alone been out of a city" which as I stated earlier is a typical pro view.
That comment is backed up by the many times I have witnessed it in here and in other places for discussions.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
Its at 2mins 51 seconds, just in case you want to hear for yourself. People are welcome to their views but saying ridiculously offensive things isnt the right way to do it.
I thin that "hes probably never seen a fox yet alone been out of a city" was a typical view of pro, purely because in so many cases its true.
The hunting ban i think for a lot of people was the straw that broke the camels back, rather than them only caring about hunting.


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
North Devon my dear
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Someones age does not restrict them from picking up a camera and recording possible criminal acivities.

But anybody who knows anything about hunting knows full well that the Hunting Act is highly unlikely to affect the ridden field. The idea of following people around with cameras just in case they commit a crime is perverse.

What would you think if I and a group of friends followed you and your children around town continually pointing cameras and you and your children on the off chance that you might pick a pocket or shoplift. I suspect you'd be pretty pissed off with me for ruining your valuable family leisure time.

Now it wouldn't surprise me if I did that to lots of different people if some of them wouldn't get so peed off that they'd kick my head in. To be honest I'm not entirely sure that I'd have much to complain about.

If anyone continually filmed my kids and refused to stop and if I couldn't resort to the law to stop them I would use other means. I strongly suspect you would to Wrighty.


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17 March 2007
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"What would you think if I and a group of friends followed you and your children around town continually pointing cameras and you and your children on the off chance that you might pick a pocket or shoplift"
I tihnk the main difference here is I'm not connected to a sport where many of its followers have said time and tiime again that the law is wrong and will be breaking it when out hunting.
If I go on national tv, radio, internet etc and say I will go shoftlifing then feel free to follow me.

"If anyone continually filmed my kids and refused to stop"
I think I have already covered that bit, but just for you....
Monitors won't be "filming kids" but filming the activity where kids may be around.
If the filming was done secretly at a school or at a swimming pool then I agree there is cause for concern but filming fully dressed individuals in the counrtyside is nothing to worry about.
Stop listening to the nanny state (Which you keep on having a go at) and realise our children are not in constant danger from strangers, if anything we should be watching our friends and families more.

"and if I couldn't resort to the law to stop them"
Oh, some laws are ok then? (Sorry but I know what you feel about laws and the like :eek:) )


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
North Devon my dear
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What I am saying is perfectly simple and nothing to do with national radio. If you continually followed me round all day ruining my family time by filming them and me then at some point I would resort to physically preventing you from being able to continue your activities either by smashing in your cameras or something else.

And I'm not a particularly violent person but everybody has their limits.

If I WAS a violent criminal as these hunt monitors allege a lot of hunt followers are then you would be being an extremely stupid person. You would also be in a lot of pain. The fact that they do not end up in an ICU on a regular basis suggests that they are in general talking a load of bollocks.

"Oh, some laws are ok then?" Of course some laws are ok but the law requiring me to shoot deer I flush out isn't. Its a load of bollocks. We should obey the sensible laws and disregard the stupid ones.


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17 March 2007
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Thinly vail your threats if you want but I can't see anyone wanting to follow you and you kids around doing normal days activities, if you keep saying you are going to break the law don't be surprised if people film you, if you don't want you kids filmed at the same time don't take them out breaking the law with you.

"I would resort to physically preventing you from being able to continue your activities either by smashing in your cameras or something else."
Just in case you're not sure, that would be assault and/or criminal damage.


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20 December 2007
North Devon my dear
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Wrighty they are perfectly welcome to film me breaking the law, i've always made that perfectly plain. I break the law on my own with my five dpgs. I've offered for them to come and monitor me refusing to kill the deer I flush but they refuse to because the law is them most f ucking ridiculous law of modern times. No one would ever want to prosecute me for openly breaking the hunting act.

Goinjg into a wood on foot with dogs and making deer run out which you refuse to kill is illegal. Film away!

On the other hand getting on a horse and following a fox hunt is a perfectly normal everyday activity and also perfectly legal. It is no less legal or normal or everyday than going shopping. It's just that different people do it.

My threats aren't thinly veiled. If people refuse to stop filming me and my children undertaking our everyday legal business then they will get their cameras shoved up their backsides and likley a smashed in face to boot.

Is that clear enough for you?

Assault and criminal damage are perfectly justified when a bumch of idiot self obsessed chav vigilantes seek to ruin perfectly legal leisure pursuits.


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17 March 2007
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"On the other hand getting on a horse and following a fox hunt is a perfectly normal everyday activity and also perfectly legal. It is no less legal or normal or everyday than going shopping. It's just that different people do it."
As stated earlier, many hunters have said they will break this law, therefore vidoeing of it is a valid way of recording it.

"My threats aren't thinly veiled. If people refuse to stop filming me and my children undertaking our everyday legal business then they will get their cameras shoved up their backsides and likley a smashed in face to boot.

Is that clear enough for you?"
I clearly see the threats on that one, as I said that would be assault (possibly criminal assault) and criminal damage.

"Assault and criminal damage are perfectly justified"
Just another law you don't think you have to abide by?

"bumch of idiot self obsessed chav vigilantes"
I'm not self obsessed, I am obsessed with protecting our wildlife, I don't think I am a chav but it is good to see that you have changed from the normal generalisation of either a city living person or a tree hugger.

"seek to ruin perfectly legal leisure pursuits"
OK, last bit for now.
How can someone recording someone else ruin a legal leisure pursuit? If everyone is following the law there is nothing illegal to record therefore nothing to stop, it's only small minded people who are connecting monitors recording incidents with people recording minors for sexual gratification.


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20 December 2007
North Devon my dear
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"How can someone recording someone else ruin a legal leisure pursuit?"

Because continually running round after people pointing video cameras at them is extremely off putting when you are trying to get on with ba decent day's fox hunting.

I'm perfectly happy to let people video me breaking the Hunting Act that's an entirely different matter. However if I go out fox hunting then I am doing it for a day's fun and I'm not going to have it ruined by some lank haired chav.

"Assault and criminal damage are perfectly justified"
Just another law you don't think you have to abide by? In general I do think people should abide by these laws however in reality everyone has their cracking points. I'm not a celebrity I am a private individual and I don't expect a bunch of arseholes traipsing after me with cameras when I go about my lawful business. If they do then they deserve a good hard kicking. End of.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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"many hunters have said they will break this law, therefore vidoeing of it is a valid way of recording it."

please distinguish between people who follow hunts and huntsmen... people who follow hunts are not breaking the law by following - even if they say they would flout the law they are not actually doing so.

a huntsman saying he will break the law is different and so i can see the merits in videoing him.

still don't agree tho - its a stupid waste of time of a law and anyone sad enough to want to try to catch out a hunt deserves all the hostility they meet.


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20 December 2007
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" people who follow hunts are not breaking the law by following - even if they say they would flout the law they are not actually doing so."

Exactly! How on earth could I break the Hunting Act by just dressing up, getting on a horse and following a pack of hounds? The whole thing is ridiculous. Why film me and my kids if there is no way we could even be breaking the law?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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"How can someone recording someone else ruin a legal leisure pursuit? If everyone is following the law there is nothing illegal to record therefore nothing to stop... "

so why bother recording it then? - get your arguements straight.

having just read the comment on another post about the LACS saying the pro movement don't want to debate they just want to disagree....
i think i can pretty safely say pot calling the kettle black....
especially in this case.