What a morning !!!! New lives into the worl d


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5 April 2010
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On the yard and my name shouted across and me dropping the barrow full of poo.


They were born around 8.30 and 3 were stone cold but with the help of my hair dryer were got them wrriggling, now we just have to wait to make sure mum nurses them. So cute, just one picture to show you as don't want to disturb them
This is the first one when first put on towel to dry them and warm them. Mum was at the front on the pen without them but now she is a hugee dog crate covered in warm blankets hot water bottles and fan heaters on in the house



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25 July 2017
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We lost one tonight his little body so cold despite fan on and my hair dryer and my hands feel gutted

Oh no how sad, that's terrible news. You did all you could for the wee mite so try not to beat yourself up about losing him, sometimes it's just meant to be that way. Concentrate on the SUPER CUTE living ones and send us more pictures when you can. Nothing better in this world than a basket full of kittens!


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5 April 2010
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well another not well this morning so rushed to vets, others seem to be drinking. Barely got home and another gone down so rushed momma and the three down but lost on so she is down to 2 kittens from 5 : heart breaking. I don't think momma is feeling comfortable in her surrounds in the pen, as she is a stray - but her and her brother had to be trapped as they were on this massive house estate breeding litter after litter.


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25 July 2017
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well another not well this morning so rushed to vets, others seem to be drinking. Barely got home and another gone down so rushed momma and the three down but lost on so she is down to 2 kittens from 5 : heart breaking. I don't think momma is feeling comfortable in her surrounds in the pen, as she is a stray - but her and her brother had to be trapped as they were on this massive house estate breeding litter after litter.

Poor babies. You're doing the right thing by trapping and neutering. Maybe these babies are suffering from some sort of genetic abnormality from having closely-related parents. Can imagine it must be so stressful for you though.


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5 April 2010
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Poor babies. You're doing the right thing by trapping and neutering. Maybe these babies are suffering from some sort of genetic abnormality from having closely-related parents. Can imagine it must be so stressful for you though.

Yes we think the brother maybe the father or certainly another member as this stupid women adopted two cats from somewhere and left them alone to breed, now the charity have to pick up the pieces.

One of my Major pet hates is seeing irresponsible people selling kittens on preloved to make money out of them and silly people buy them un neutered and so the story goes on.

So sad seeing these gorgeous little soles loosing their lives it is heart breaking for me


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25 July 2017
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Yes we think the brother maybe the father or certainly another member as this stupid women adopted two cats from somewhere and left them alone to breed, now the charity have to pick up the pieces.

One of my Major pet hates is seeing irresponsible people selling kittens on preloved to make money out of them and silly people buy them un neutered and so the story goes on.

So sad seeing these gorgeous little soles loosing their lives it is heart breaking for me

I'm completely with you on the irresponsible breeding thing. There are enough dogs and cats in this country so purposely breeding more is ridiculous to me. Especially when people are purposely breeding ones with health problems due to "desirable" traits such as flat faces (pugs, bulldogs, Persians etc). Bulldogs can't even mate and give birth naturally due to the shape of their skulls and legs yet people still breed them?! Outrageous and cruel. Pugs are the latest trend to suffer from irresponsible breeding - can't breathe properly, have eyes bulging out of their sockets etc. I'm not sure which is worse to be honest, this or not neutering pets and then being surprised when they end up pregnant by their brother.

Sorry, off on a slight tangent there but it winds me up as the critters are the ones that suffer.

How are the remaining kittens and mum doing?


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5 April 2010
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I'm completely with you on the irresponsible breeding thing. There are enough dogs and cats in this country so purposely breeding more is ridiculous to me. Especially when people are purposely breeding ones with health problems due to "desirable" traits such as flat faces (pugs, bulldogs, Persians etc). Bulldogs can't even mate and give birth naturally due to the shape of their skulls and legs yet people still breed them?! Outrageous and cruel. Pugs are the latest trend to suffer from irresponsible breeding - can't breathe properly, have eyes bulging out of their sockets etc. I'm not sure which is worse to be honest, this or not neutering pets and then being surprised when they end up pregnant by their brother.

Sorry, off on a slight tangent there but it winds me up as the critters are the ones that suffer.

How are the remaining kittens and mum doing?

Not sure they have been hospitalised for today trying to warm them up and make sure they are getting enough food, as try as hard as I can working from 6-30am - 6pm on the yard I am exhausted with caring for kits at 4am this morning.

There are some very good midwifes at the vets who are used to nursing kittens so they are in the best place.


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5 April 2010
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Hard night waking up every 2 hours through the night to feed them or feed mum etc. Just come back from vets and they are hospitalised again for their safety and to give me a break. Quite wriggly so fingers crossed.


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25 July 2017
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Hard night waking up every 2 hours through the night to feed them or feed mum etc. Just come back from vets and they are hospitalised again for their safety and to give me a break. Quite wriggly so fingers crossed.

That sounds good! Can we have some more piccies when you get the chance pretty please?


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5 April 2010
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That sounds good! Can we have some more piccies when you get the chance pretty please?

Ok, it is going to be very hard work over the next days, feeding every two hrs day and night ontop of the yard work 6.30am - 6.pm and taking them to vets. I think I will be burning the candle at both ends


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25 October 2010
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So sorry you lost some, but so glad you are putting in the work to help save the rest. Best wishes for them!

I too am with you on this. I nearly always get boy cats mainly because i want to neuter them asap and have no chance of kittens - but a stray from the farm up the road decided here was better than there (and why not...we fed her!) and she started banging out the kittens. She was totally feral though so catching her to spay was next to impossible...we had the vouchers from cats protection to get her done...just had to get her! Think she had about three litters before we got her..and we generally rehomed the kittens locally apart from one or two we kept. We got everyone spayed/neutered and eventually the mass of cats stopped thankfully! Farmer up the road was given a talking to i believe cause he now doesnt have kittens - but unfortunately he also doesnt have spayed/neutered cats....so ill leave that one there.


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5 April 2010
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Cannot post to many as they belong to charity but here is one who is more wriggly AND!!!!!!!!! is the one I saved from the floor who was wet and sticky with virtually no movement and I think he may have been one of the last born. Here he is just after aunty gave him some kitten milk - not so wriggly as his brother


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5 April 2010
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Well back to vets today first with kittens then with mum and another foster, after a feeding every 2 hours night again only this time got full days work instead of my day off (wed) I have brain fog due to lack of sleep and forgot to bring my boy in at 11 (as kittens appoint was 10.30am and boy should come in 11am and back down vets with other foster at 11.30 after starting work at 6.3am today.} and also another horse in at 2. Sleep deprivation is not good.

Anyway they lost a 1lb each so were admitted again for the day and now gone to another foster for 5 days to give me a break, vets happy and were pleased with how they were when they were there this avo.
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5 April 2010
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as far as i know ok she is with another foster but I won't be surprised if he doesn't join his siblings as I found him a bit iffy yesterday lying lethargic.