What a week, by Spring.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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I have had a very busy week.
Firstly my slave decided that I was looking more irish bog pony than irish sports horse so proceded to shave all my hair off! I was a very good girl and let her do it, but I was rather attched to my beardy chin so objected to her doing my head. She did persevere though and eventually I gave in, she can be really stroppy so sometimes its just easier to do what she wants.

Then I had my 6 weekly pedicure with the farrier, I was again very good but can't help but have a bit of fun with the apprentice. I am sure he enjoys my little games as he finshes off my feet and I take off his hat or bite his bottom or refuse to pick up my legs - I don't want him to think us horses are always well behaved as some aren't as perfect as me.

Then I had the doctor come and see me, now I am never sure of these doctors as they usually jab me and smell funny. Anyway he did jab me but that was ok, then he started to rasp my teeth. Now I will put up with this to a point but don't really like it very much, so I let him and the slave know and accidently trod on her foot (well not really accidently...). Anyway my mouth does feel better now. I also had a bit of a rash on my chin which he looked at and gave the slave instructions on exfoliating and beautifying me. I knew I should have kept my beard.

Then lastly I had some strange lady come and stick cold things on my back. The slave says it is to stop me being stolen but I think she will find that I decide where and with whom I go and no silly human will persuade me to leave my cosy stable in the night.
Anyway I didn't really want it done so let them know and tried to stand on feet but missed them all. But I was soon destracted as the slave got out a load of sweeties and sratched my neck which I like and before I knew it, it was all done. So I have been freezemarked. Humph not sure about that at all.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Aww bless. I'm glad that you were okay with those cold things on your back. What an exciting life you have lead this past couple of days.

Slave only wants you to look beautiful - and I'm sure you do.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2006
West Yorkshire
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Awww, I hope your slave's foot isn't too sore, you'll need her healthy to continue your bidding!

I'm sure you look lovely now and I do enjoy reading all about your latest news


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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There are pictures of me looking very beautiful in the gallery

You will see what I have to put up with from my slave too, she insists on kissing me, teasing me with carrots and then wrapping me up like a big roly poly