Well-Known Member
I'm sure there has probably been a post a long these lines recently (as a massive lurker/occasional poster i'm sure I've seen one!), but interested to know what people are up to mid way through the season with their 5yos. I think i'm lagging behind a bit with mine. I feel like his training is going well but I haven't got out to any shows and only recently been for a trip to a friends menage for a reccy out. He's a KWPN by Lord Leatherdale, I didn't get him started till last October as he just seemed to be taking a long time to develop and mature. Since then hes been in fairly light work but I have just started to amp it up a bit. He's been a total sweetie so far, don't want to rush him but also think I need a bit of motivation to get him out and about. Would be really interested to see/ hear what others are getting up to. Here's a few pics, do have a little video but not sure i'm brave enough to post it!