What are people up to with their 5yo's?


Well-Known Member
23 April 2009
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I'm sure there has probably been a post a long these lines recently (as a massive lurker/occasional poster i'm sure I've seen one!), but interested to know what people are up to mid way through the season with their 5yos. I think i'm lagging behind a bit with mine. I feel like his training is going well but I haven't got out to any shows and only recently been for a trip to a friends menage for a reccy out. He's a KWPN by Lord Leatherdale, I didn't get him started till last October as he just seemed to be taking a long time to develop and mature. Since then hes been in fairly light work but I have just started to amp it up a bit. He's been a total sweetie so far, don't want to rush him but also think I need a bit of motivation to get him out and about. Would be really interested to see/ hear what others are getting up to. Here's a few pics, do have a little video but not sure i'm brave enough to post it!



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4 March 2010
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Yours looks fantastic lovely up hill canter. Mine was gently started last August and lightly hacked. I than ran into a few problems and she has been off since June just doing things in hand. She is NOT a sweety but keeps me on my toes. I hope to get a saddle to fit her at the end of the month and start again.


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23 April 2009
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Thanks hobo :) I'm actually waiting for him to start his 5yo tantrums, most I've had in the past start getting a bit cocky about now maybe his will be at 6 considering he was a bit of late starter! Best of luck with yours, I'm sure the inhand work will pay off in the future,something I never think I do enough of.


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14 August 2011
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Gosh he looks fab there! I'm a numpty novice rider so not sure I can say anything of interest but I do have a 5yo! But in terms of where we are at, he's just come back from a training camp at keysoe for 2 days where he totally amazed me at how good he was. Great experience for him, and although his eyes were on stalks in the outdoor dressage arena, he contained himself and was a total dude.

His schooling needs more work but he's coming along nicely albeit fairly slowly, but that's fine as I don't have mega plans and just want to have fun doing lots of things.

Have a sp ride coming up, a mini pairs hunter trial as our first comp (xc colours ordered!), then a few autumn hunts and if he takes to it I'll have him out a few times in the main season. Hoping to do an intro test and a clear round at some point but it's hard fitting it all in and getting the right workload without asking too much of him.

Have fun with your boy! Oh and thought I'd add a pic of his other recent activity, pruning hedges (clever way to make jumps smaller!).
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25 February 2012
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Weve done a little of everything with ours, hacking, cantering round the fields, a bit of jumping, a few sj clinic only 50cm mind ! Farm rides and a combined training comp. he's coming with me to camp at beginning of September. Excited about that.

I'm trying to keep it all interesting for him.

OP you have a beautiful horse, if he's ready get him out and about , from the photos your likely to do very well. Good luck


Well-Known Member
21 July 2015
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OP, and Bernster, your horses are gorgeous!
My recently backed (April) 5yo is about to do his second walk and trot test, a week today! (I just hope we don't spook at B like we did last time!). I'm focusing on short but efficient schooling sessions and lots of transition work when out, need to get him fit!

This is from last week when he was being super brave and standing in a puddle after our hack (luckily he wasn't sideways at the time ;) )



Well-Known Member
23 April 2009
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Thanks guys. Right that's it i'm going to sort out some things to take him to, everyone sounds like they are cracking on and making the most of the summer. I've been dragging my feet and just working at home where he does feel good but definitely needs some life experience. Love both your pictures, love greys, although glad I don't have one when it comes to washing time as most i've known would see that puddle as a challenge to fully submerse in it ;).


Well-Known Member
21 July 2015
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Thanks guys. Right that's it i'm going to sort out some things to take him to, everyone sounds like they are cracking on and making the most of the summer. I've been dragging my feet and just working at home where he does feel good but definitely needs some life experience. Love both your pictures, love greys, although glad I don't have one when it comes to washing time as most i've known would see that puddle as a challenge to fully submerse in it ;).

Mine hates puddles (hence the puddle practice!) but his favourite place to sleep is the muck heap. He's spotty, so I can get away with some dirt, but that's just too much!

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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Mine went of for fat camp/schooling a couple of months ago. He went away a compliant and slightly chubby plod. While he was away he found several new gears. Medium trot is his new favourite thing, and is to be demonstrated at every possible opportunity if its requested or not! He also grew up a lot, and came back with the 5 yr old attitude. Since hes been home hes had the dentist, saddle fitter and back lady and he has been an absolute sod for all of them! Typical teenager, happy to go along with it for a few minutes, then gets bored and the toys get throw out of the pram! Hes also discovered bucking, only little happy bucks, but hes doing that a lot as well, hence all the checks.

I'm glad theres nothing wrong and hes just feeling well, but I am a fat, middle aged, disabled lady and would really appreciate it if he could wind his neck in a bit :lol: Hes had an easy time of it for the last month, but I am clearly going to have to work him much harder than I have been to keep a lid on it. Hes discovered FORWARD and he wants to use it at every opportunity :lol:


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14 August 2015
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My goals with my 5 year old is to stay on lol. At the moment, he is learning to canter and started lateral work. My aims with him is to affiliate dressage when ever he is ready but no rush.

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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FCob you could be posting about me and my girl it is nice to know I am not alone.

He was such a rude pig for the dentist I was mortified! But she said to me that she saw lots of horses his age that do the same. She was a new dentist. My back lady has treated him for years and she said she was expecting trouble from the second she saw his head over the door this time :lol: He is vile! But not all the time thankfully! So long as we do what he wants, hes is his lovely charming self. It gives me hope that we can just ignore the pig horse behaviour and insist he behaves, then he will be fine next year


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10 February 2013
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I have a 4yo, and its reassuring reading some of your posts- although slightly scary reading some of your experiences of the 'Kevin' phase!- NOT looking forward to that.

Is anyone else guilty of comparing themselves to what a pro might be doing with their youngsters, rather than what is achievable when you're not a professional?! I seem to be. I need to learn to not expect so much of myself and him.


Well-Known Member
23 April 2009
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Is anyone else guilty of comparing themselves to what a pro might be doing with their youngsters, rather than what is achievable when you're not a professional?! I seem to be. I need to learn to not expect so much of myself and him.[/QUOTE]

Think I'm very guilty of this as actually he is probably the most advanced 5yo I've had in terms of training but then you see 5yo's out and about at affiliated novice/elementary doing well and I think maybe I am far behind.

Although I'm hoping to have this horse for the long run and I'd rather be a year behind with a horse that will last and isn't stressed.
I don't necessarily believe the pros horses are stressed or are put under too much pressure just in a lot of cases they are amazing riders who can produce the results in less time then us mere mortals! I had a pro break mine and within a few sessions the horse was working calm and confidently and really looked happy and balanced and I think that was just from the seat and balance of the rider that just instilled that confidence him. It took me months to recreate this!


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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Oh this thread is making me feel so much better about my 5yo, as I thought I was way behind everyone else! She hacks out alone and in company and is pretty good with all traffic. She is competing at prelim level dressage and doing lateral work and lengthened strides in her schooling at home. Jumping wise she is competing at 80cm, jumping around 90-1m in lessons/at home. She has schooled round a full BE80 track and jumped some BE90 fences. She recently won a 65cm ODE with the plan being to do the 80cm class at the same venue in September. All being well she will be competing at BE80 for the start of next season. A few pics to brighten this post up!



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4 March 2010
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Charlie Mouse yours looks very advanced and fantastic. Who is she by I think you had a Sempers Spirit or am I senile.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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Charlie Mouse yours looks very advanced and fantastic. Who is she by I think you had a Sempers Spirit or am I senile.

Yes she is my Sempers Spirit baby. She has been a little jumping machine since day 1. She still requires some convincing that dressage is worthwhile (having said that so does the rider)!


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
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Mine went of for fat camp/schooling a couple of months ago. He went away a compliant and slightly chubby plod. While he was away he found several new gears. Medium trot is his new favourite thing, and is to be demonstrated at every possible opportunity if its requested or not! He also grew up a lot, and came back with the 5 yr old attitude. Since hes been home hes had the dentist, saddle fitter and back lady and he has been an absolute sod for all of them! Typical teenager, happy to go along with it for a few minutes, then gets bored and the toys get throw out of the pram! Hes also discovered bucking, only little happy bucks, but hes doing that a lot as well, hence all the checks.

I'm glad theres nothing wrong and hes just feeling well, but I am a fat, middle aged, disabled lady and would really appreciate it if he could wind his neck in a bit :lol: Hes had an easy time of it for the last month, but I am clearly going to have to work him much harder than I have been to keep a lid on it. Hes discovered FORWARD and he wants to use it at every opportunity :lol:

FCob you could be posting about me and my girl it is nice to know I am not alone.

Haha sorry but you've given me inspiration, I'm currently horse shopping and looking at a 5 yr old on Tues. I too am a fat middle aged, disabled lady and wondered if I could cope with a young one again.
At least I'm not looking at a 5 yr old welsh as the turn into monsters on the 1st January of their 6th year lol


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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I have a 4yo, and its reassuring reading some of your posts- although slightly scary reading some of your experiences of the 'Kevin' phase!- NOT looking forward to that.

Is anyone else guilty of comparing themselves to what a pro might be doing with their youngsters, rather than what is achievable when you're not a professional?! I seem to be. I need to learn to not expect so much of myself and him.

Oh definitely. I know he'd be much more established by this stage and I do worry about not being good enough for a youngster, but we're doing lots of fun. Stuff so he's getting a varied and interesting life, and all he cares about is eating so,he seems happy enough! I do get him schooled every now and again to try and undo any wrong I doing, and I have weekly lessons. I realise it will take us longer to get there but I'm in no rush and just enjoying the ride, so I try not to get too caught up in what could be if I were a better rider!


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4 April 2013
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My 5yo is an ex racer. Raced over hurdles as a late 3yo, fractured his pelvis in training and deemed to slow. I bought him in September last year and cracked on (Pelvis all fine now I will add!)
As a 4yo, once he'd learnt to canter! he jumped round SJing up to 80cm, did some intro dressage, a little bit of xc schooling and did an arena event (80).
As a 5yo, he has jumped a 90 arena event, jumping 85/90 SJing and Prelim dressage. He jumped a BE 90 in March and has since had a break while he has had ulcer treatment.
Been back in work for a little while now and back to SJing 80, went xc schooling last weekend and popped a couple of Novice fences (amongst lots of little things), going to do a hunter trial at the Warwick hunt team chase this weekend, and will do a couple of 80's before the end of the season.
This winter he will be arena eventing (probably 90/100) SJing about the same and hopefully Novice dressage. He has come a long way since I bought him and is a super chilled type with lots of presence. He is being aimed at 2* Eventing, and upwards if possible as I'm only an amateur I'm not expecting miracles from my £200 bargain ;)


This is him September 2014 and Feb 2015


Arena Eventing last Dec as a 4yo


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25 September 2009
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This is what me and the little 5yo were up to at the weekend! Big smiles all round : )


We are in the 'taking it slowly camp' as juggling 2 horses on DIY and commuting has meant this year we haven't got quite as far as I originally hoped. I had hoped to catch a BE80 at the end of this season but that will have to wait to the spring.

She is a careful little horse and I'm learning that little and often is the key. So at the moment we are about getting out and about to different venues for training. This was her third time XC so had a good old look a few of the jumps, but was straight into the water and over a (tiny) open ditch, so that is a big positive.

Love this photo, just need to superimpose the badminton lake underneath it! : )


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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My 5yo is an ex racer. Raced over hurdles as a late 3yo, fractured his pelvis in training and deemed to slow. I bought him in September last year and cracked on (Pelvis all fine now I will add!)
As a 4yo, once he'd learnt to canter! he jumped round SJing up to 80cm, did some intro dressage, a little bit of xc schooling and did an arena event (80).
As a 5yo, he has jumped a 90 arena event, jumping 85/90 SJing and Prelim dressage. He jumped a BE 90 in March and has since had a break while he has had ulcer treatment.
Been back in work for a little while now and back to SJing 80, went xc schooling last weekend and popped a couple of Novice fences (amongst lots of little things), going to do a hunter trial at the Warwick hunt team chase this weekend, and will do a couple of 80's before the end of the season.
This winter he will be arena eventing (probably 90/100) SJing about the same and hopefully Novice dressage. He has come a long way since I bought him and is a super chilled type with lots of presence. He is being aimed at 2* Eventing, and upwards if possible as I'm only an amateur I'm not expecting miracles from my £200 bargain ;)]

Doing amazingly well !


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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As a four year old Brian was gangly, weak and the easiest horse out there. We had some lessons, did some clinics, had a go at horseball and he went hunting on Boxing Day. He then turned 5 and became a bit of a nob.

He's grown god knows how much, has filled out from a narrow to a medium wide saddle and has a massive amount of attitude. We started asking a bit more from him and because he is a bit of a lazy bum, this has not gone down too well.

We went to a riding camp in Suffolk where he actually reduced me to tears on a few occasions and I am not the crying type. He mainly enjoys standing on two legs and performing Black Beauty impressions.

I went back home feeling rather demoralised but never the less cracked on.

We went on another riding camp and although the first part was still far from ideal I started to feel less defeatist and strapped on my brave pants. Brian did not like this. He threw everything that he had at me but I just rode it out and the instructors called him bad names. Then something amazing happened, he started to comply......

We did a little ODE and we completed a dressage test with no "freestyle" moves, he jumped round the SJ without a lead, he jumped out of the start box and cantered away (I was feeling pretty smug!)...........and then Brian stopped dead and did several ridiculous rears....sigh.........before carrying on his merry way to jump fences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 beautifully, then stopped and reared (only once this time so progress I thought) before going on to complete the rest of the course clear before going over the finish line and rearing repeatedly again because he didn't want to go back to the lorry park. Go figure!

I fear that we may quite a long way to go and I am very much hoping that a 6 year old Brian is easier than a 5 year old Brian!

I will try and resurrect my photobucket account and let you all see the big grey goose!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Goodness wimbles - I read it and thought yikes that's a challenge, then it went good, then you got another challenging bit. Interesting to read and it sounds like you're making progress, but I REALLY hope my boy doesn't get a spot of the Kevins! I have to say, I spend a lot of my time expecting him to misbehave and being pleasantly surprised. Not sure if my attitude makes a blind bit of difference to how he goes ofc and I am conscious that winter and hunting is coming, which could send him potty, or he could be waiting till he's 6 to really show me his naughty side. I do hope your boy has passed his naughty phase though !


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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He certainly is a challenge but I love him to bits and I knew he'd be a bit "interesting" after his racing trainer emailed me to say that he could be a nightmare in training!
