What are the chances!... bloody horse!


Well-Known Member
15 November 2006
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Was intending to school on tuesday a.m. before work. So I got on, walked into school, walked round once on a loose rein. Then picked him up a little and walked round again.... turned the top corner...... 4 hopping lame strides!!

Now bearing in mind he has evented all season on a mixture of grounds, done BD and RC dressage and cubbed, not to mention is ridden everyday and has never had as much as a puffy leg or scratch!!

So I jumped off and he decided after a minute he was only slightly lame now. Appeared to have either knocked RF fetlock with LF foot or has twisted fetlock as was warm but hasnt really swelled at all. Bloody animal! At a walk!! Grrrrr.

So checked with vet at work and they confirmed what i'd done was fine- just leave in and hose/ice tight so I have and just walked him to verge for a nibble daily. So not too stressed, trotted up yesterday and was sound so thought turn out for an hour tomorrow and perhaps walk ride for 2 days then back to work, hurray!

Oh no, 1 or 2 10ths lame again this morning. Feel bad as he hates being in but told him his own fault for being such a clumsy git! Now face prospect (if hes no better of week end) of taking him in for a scan/ x ray or at best nerve blocks and lameness work up.

Bang goes all my christmas riding plans to escape relatives!!!



Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Aaah - I simpathise with you - have had a lame horse for two weeks now and cos been keeping him on box rest - he now has lymphangitus in back legs too!! So turn out in menage (as can't get mud into wound on front leg) and lots of walkies in hand!! - hope he gets better quick for you.