What bit cross country?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
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Just completed my first one day event and had an absolute blast. I also came fifth 95% the horse 5% passenger.
The only thing was the cross country was a bit exciting, she is very excitable not out of control but I would like a bit more brakes. I had a mexican grackle noseband and d ring copper roller. I dont want to over bit and her last owner said she gets really overbent in anything with a bit of leverage. But I have a jointed pelham and wondered if that would give me a bit more stoppage.

Any ideas


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
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Can get confusing throws her head up sometimes before the jump and if I am on the cross country throws it up and tries to cross jaw hence the grackle exspecially when trying to change down a gear. The cross country I have been doing is quite simple jumps spread out but if i had to do a dog leg etc a bit more technical I need s wee bit of control. Are for her not to argue with me.

I do have a waterford do you think this might help stop her fighting me.

After the jump especially showjumping she goes very round head down mopre so once we are finished and are pulling up to stop.