What bit???


Well-Known Member
25 May 2006
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I'm struggleing a bit with my boy jumping, on the flat and in general work he is fine bit jumping his head comes up and he charges at the jumps, often flattening and knocking them down. He is fine XC, never touches them, it's just SJ where we have the issue.
I do try and ride with my hands low and wide, and it helps a bit. I am also sure that he enjoys it as he is always excited when he sees the jumps and always feels happy, but I'm not confident taking him out to compete if he is going to knock everything down!!!!!!!!
He is better when he slows down and has his head down, and doesn't touch them at all, (i have tried jumping little fences out of trot and this is better but obviously i can't expect him to jump 2'9'' out of trot!) He is currently in a fulmer snaffle and a running martingale, he has got a sensetive mouth and so i don't want to spoil this, but is their any other sort of bit that would help???


Well-Known Member
18 December 2006
I use a snaffle hanging cheek and its brilliant.
Ive had very similar problems to you and Ive tried just about every bit there is! Ive got 4 year old and he was always used the a rubber bit, but thats not much good when they get a bit strong! My boy also has a sensitive mouth, so I found a gage was the worst thing for him, he would just fight it and wonder around with his head stuck up in the air!
I now sucsessfully show jump in the hanging cheek and its brilliant.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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I jumped an intro from trot- the height's no problem!!
Tbh, if I were to anything I'd stick him in a soft rubber mouth snaffle and keep a consistant contact into the fence. Dont chnge the contact when he puts his head up- let him get there and make the mistakes- they soon learn and start to back off.
The problem with putting a stronger bit in is that when you tak a pull the rection you get is likely to be bigger and the head will prob come up more and he'll try to run through the contact.
29 July 2005
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I'm no expert but our TB has a sensitive mouth and is also quite strong and he has a three-ring dutch gag with a happy mouth bit and he goes well in it.