I learned my big un really does know how to buck... today he was doing vertical handstands all on his bod in the paddock, whilst I sat on the fence with the other two laughing my head off. I've never ever seen him buck before. Just hope he wasn't practising ahead of our saturday morning hack ;s
That our little 12hh can actually get cuter and more angelic by the day. I almost want to eat him,he's so cute and so uncomplicated (compared to the rest of our lot,anyway!)
That he's actually learning!
I have been consistently telling him "Back!" whenever I go in the stable with him, or in his pen (as I've moved him from the big field for the time being, mores the pity).
I've always had to give him some physical guidance, not hitting or anything, just a steady push, but today, I just said "back you go" and he moved away from the gate yay!
That even though you think you know what's best for them, at the end of the day they will show you what they want!
(Horse was turned out at 9am and by the time I went down at 2pm he couldn't come to the gate fast enough when he heard my voice! He then almost dive-bombed me for the bit when tacking up lol!!)
That the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but for some horses any chance to get away and eat brambles and nettles should be taken!
That despite having the rudest and most unfriendly horse, when I spend ages with him on the ground, he actually likes playing games, is exceptionally clever, and underneath it all, he might like me ... New years resolution is to do way more work on the ground with him!
I've learned that my horse isn't all sweetness and light and she can be a sod at times. She's learned that I'm not all sweetness and light either and I can be WAY more scary than anything (or any nothing) she decides to spook at.
Yesterday I learnt that I really should make sure the 27yo pony knows its me behind him instead of his field buddy trying to steal his dinner when I'm trying to put his rug on. Flying back legs and lots of squealing was involved, think he was a bit embarrassed when he realised it was me
I learnt I should never tell people how nice and well mannered my horse it, he will only prove me wrong the following day.
I also learnt that he clearly fully intends on taking me skiing in the mud again but that I am clearly cleverer than him and that I have more control in a rope halter! (Little sh**!!)
I also learnt that although we are currently not friends I know he will find some way of getting my back on side and loving him again!!
Yesterday I learned that even if I give them their one feed a day in the morning, they will have 'forgotten' by the afternoon (when they usually have it) and think their throats have been cut!!
That even after all these years in mud, rain, sleet snow and sunshine, i still love them and also hearing that first whicker of a greeting when opening the barn door first thing in the morning
That if you buy a new pony to compete as your big lad has got arthritis, the new pony will have over 12 months of problems and you will end up trying to squeeze 2 rehab programmes into a limited time frame, and will be instructed by your vet and physio not to let anyone else ride them to cut down the variables when trying to work out what the blooming heck is wrong.
And also that despite being driven demented, there is nothing like seeing the grins on their faces when they see you for making every single frustrating, painful, expensive, soul sucking, sleep depriving moment of it totally worthwhile.