Well-Known Member
Just curious!
With Dennis I will do lots of Cross Country schooling, Hunter trials, Pony Club (usually only the XC rallys, he's really not great on the whole Gymkhanna etc. aha) and fun rides, hacks and so. I did Pony Club Camp on him this Summer and it went well but he's finished his intense SJ training and I don't know whether I can be prepared to pay for the 3 times a week lessons and lots of boring gridwork etc. to get him half decent as he is always gonna be best as a hunter. So I'll probably just have fun on him going to the beach and the gallops etc. My friends can hack out on him with me too with me on my pony so that's fun. Does anyone turn theirs away?
With Dennis I will do lots of Cross Country schooling, Hunter trials, Pony Club (usually only the XC rallys, he's really not great on the whole Gymkhanna etc. aha) and fun rides, hacks and so. I did Pony Club Camp on him this Summer and it went well but he's finished his intense SJ training and I don't know whether I can be prepared to pay for the 3 times a week lessons and lots of boring gridwork etc. to get him half decent as he is always gonna be best as a hunter. So I'll probably just have fun on him going to the beach and the gallops etc. My friends can hack out on him with me too with me on my pony so that's fun. Does anyone turn theirs away?