What do you expect with full livery


Well-Known Member
11 April 2010
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During the winter my horse is on full livery. Its a really good price so I'm not complaining and I love doing things with my horse but just wondered what you expect with full livery. With my livery the yo mucks out and feeds. Apart from that nothing really. Even down to the point where we arranged for some of the horses to have there shoes done together for the blacksmith to come out just once. Anyway she told me he was coming in the afternoon, but in fact he arrived in the morning when I wasn't there. She phoned me and said he was there and could I come down to get my horse out the box and lead him over the where the blacksmith is standing? I thought this was a bit ott. So what do you lot expect??


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
sunny scotland
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i used to be on full and although it suited at the time i really didnt like it especially when i couldnt catch my boy but my YO could!
she did everything for me except ride hence he wouldnt catch for me.
this also included vet, farrier etc x


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7 September 2004
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I expect to have all my horses basic needs attended to so that I don't need to visit the yard at all should I so choose.

Therefore, bring in / turning out, mucking out, bedding, water, feeding and haying, changing rugs, attending to minor injuries without drama and yes, I would expect the horse to be presented to vet/farrier within reason. All field maintenance e.g. poo-picking.

Any fancy extras would be negotiated in accordance with the rate I was paying for full livery services (e.g. grooming/exercise/tack cleaning/trimming)


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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For me thats more assisted DIY.

For full livery I expect literally everything so things like:
Horse turned out/ brought in - feet washed off and picked out
Rugs changed
Daily grooming
Daisy tack cleaning
Full muck out
Skip out 2 or 3X a day
Getting horse ready for when the owner arrives
Exercising when needed
Full use of horsewalker
Horse held for vet/dentist/physio etc
Horse clipped out when needed and other jobs - all to of course be put on your bill ;)

But mabye I have been to too many posh yards - I see anything less (Eg muck out, turn out, bring in every day with rugs and feet) as part livery. Or bespoke livery if you have mixed services. Saying that Im moving my horse down to me in Watford tomorrow onto DIY which I love and have always been on before uni - would never want all of that done for my horse unless I didnt have the time, which I do being a lazy uni student!!
29 July 2005
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Full Livery should include everything IMO. Mucking out 7 days a week, turn out/bring in from field, change rugs, pick out feet, feed, groom and assist with farrier/vet, etc. Some yards also include exercising your horse a certain amount of time per week in Full Livery.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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OMG! Well I don't get any of that!!!!

But it very much depends on what you are paying surely?

For the basics I described you would be looking at £75 - 120 per week depending on where you are in the country and what facilities the yard has. For the really inclusive full livery you would be looking at £120-180pw


Well-Known Member
12 April 2010
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I thought what you describe was referred to as part livery or even assisted DIY. For part livery (to me that means turn out/bring in, all mucking out and feeding with feed and bedding included) should cost between £70-£130 depending on location and facilities. Full livery I take to mean literally everything done i.e. you could not come down for a month at a time if you didn't want to. So exercise included as well as all basic care. When I was on part livery we arranged our own farrier and vet visits but someone would attend them for no extra charge.

I think terminology varies - best thing is to have everything written in your contract so no one feels hard done by!


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
In a dark room with nice padded walls!
Where I am Full Livery (daily) includes:

Stable WITH rubber matting
Flexible turnout / stable routine throughout the year
All-year turnout (WITH paddock maintenance including droppings removal)
Use of all our top class facilities
PROVISION and GIVING of wormer (following worming schedule as set by GATES)
Daily PROVISION of ALL hard feed, forage (max 20kg per day) and bedding
Daily extensive full VIP care (to include: feeding, watering, rug changes, fly sheets/masks changes, boot/wrap changes, application of creams/guards etc, high standard daily full muck out and adding bedding as necessary, daily skipping out, all turn-outs and bring-ins, hose/brush off legs, daily groom with sprays, 2 x daily check over am&pm, 1 x tack clean per week)
Arranging and holding for GATES professional visit (farrier, therapist, vet, dentist, saddler)


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
sunny scotland
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For the basics I described you would be looking at £75 - 120 per week depending on where you are in the country and what facilities the yard has. For the really inclusive full livery you would be looking at £120-180pw[/QUOTE]

i am so glad i live in scotland and that livery around here is quite cheap, my full livery was only 60.00 per week (70 for anyone else as it was a friends yard), i currently pay 27.00 per week diy x
i dont honestly think i could afford 2 horses never mind 1 with what some of you guys pay :(


Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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For me thats more assisted DIY.

For full livery I expect literally everything so things like:
Horse turned out/ brought in - feet washed off and picked out
Rugs changed
Daily grooming
Daisy tack cleaning
Full muck out
Skip out 2 or 3X a day
Getting horse ready for when the owner arrives
Exercising when needed
Full use of horsewalker
Horse held for vet/dentist/physio etc
Horse clipped out when needed and other jobs - all to of course be put on your bill ;)

But mabye I have been to too many posh yards - I see anything less (Eg muck out, turn out, bring in every day with rugs and feet) as part livery.

Ditto this.
Although I would expect one full muck out and a skip out and set fair at the other end of the day.
Feed (excluding supplements)
Plaiting for shows/hunting
Clipping (charged extra)

For me the main difference between part and full livery is that on full livery the horse is exercised and the tack cleaned.


Active Member
2 August 2010
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My horse is on full livery excluding exercise. I don't have to book my farrier, my YO does that for me. I wouldn't call it full livery if I was expected to turn up to hold my horse for the vet/farrier etc...


Well-Known Member
4 August 2009
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I had my loan horses on full livery because it was the closest available stable at the time with facilities. It wasn't for me, the yard was too quiet and like someone else said she did everything for me bar ride, even when i was there in time to muck out etc she'd still do it, and i'd feel like a pleb! But it was quite a nice yard, and for the price it was actually really good from other prices i've seen and what they offer.

Mucking out
She would put them on the walker while she mucked out
Turning out/bringing in
hay (ad lib)
Straw, shavings was a fiver more
She even booked my horses in for the farrier for me
Rugs changed
She would worm and give medicines

Pretty much all the main things, though supplements or special feeds you had to provide yourself. She'd clip but you'd have to pay for that.

I didn't like it because no one can muck out my horse as well as me (I'm sure i'm not the only one with this opinion!! haha) and I hated the only time they saw me was basically for riding.

very interesting seeing the varying degrees of full livery though!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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Mine are on full livery and I get what eggs say plus food supplements and clipping, basically full care. To me full livery means that I don't need to do anything if I don't want to but my horse will always be fit to ride.

Spit That Out

Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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The yard I'm on charges £75 p/w and that includes

Feeding, Water changes, Turnout & Bring In, Rug Changes, Grooming, Mucking out, arranging worming, farrier & vet visits and if needed your horse is tacked up for you but to be honest it isn't exactly a time consuming thing tacking your own horse up!!

Your feed, hay, bedding and riding/schooling are all extra.

On days your horse can't go out due to weather etc they are put on the horse walker.

All horses have 12x12 stables without rubber matting. Poop picking isn't included in the price.

It's not just about the services that are provided but the facilities you can use as well. All these are free to use if you are on Full livery. We have a large indoor, outdoor school, Lunging school, jumping paddock, x-country course, brew room with showers & toilets. Use of 3 mile gallops and a 8 mile fun ride across the road.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2010
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But it very much depends on what you are paying surely?

For the basics I described you would be looking at £75 - 120 per week depending on where you are in the country and what facilities the yard has. For the really inclusive full livery you would be looking at £120-180pw

Right I only pay 200 euros a month, that maybe explains it.