what do you think the chances are of him being a rig?


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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we have a gelding in our field, he has been gelded for well over a year (possibly even 2 yrs). But he flirts like mad with my one mare (as does she) and mounts her using his weapon of mass destruction
although I have not seen it myself, this has been confirmed by a couple of people including the geldings owner (who is now starting to get slightly worried) on the other hand he just does not bother with my other mare, who is also a bit of a temptress! Although there were rumours when he first went in the field (about 6 months ago) that he tried this with her, although at that time we dismissed this, sue to it being from the mouth of a very unreliable source. His attitude has also altered and although he is as quiet as you like to catch and handle, he is becoming stroppy to ride and rearing with his owner when taken from the one mare. Does this sound riggish to you, or more like a playful 4yr old that is just experimenting??

cookies 4 u


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1 December 2008
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I have no experience with rigs so I couldn't say. However most mares are in season at the moment and it's driving one of the little geldings on our yard insane, poor little fella. He's about 14 so has been gelded for a long time but he has been playing up. Doing things such as rearing and being really strong. So based on this it could just be something that affects some geldings at this time of year. Althought the fact this horse is mounting a mare could suggest he is a rig. Sorry not helpful but from his behaviour when being handled it sounds normal but then there's the mounting


Well-Known Member
20 June 2007
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TBH I think having a true rig is quite rare. Monty was gelded about 25 years ago and the mares still drive him wild. He is very 'riggy' in character and has been known to get sexy with the girls from time to time but he is just a tart.


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20 August 2007
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TBH I think having a true rig is quite rare. Monty was gelded about 25 years ago and the mares still drive him wild. He is very 'riggy' in character and has been known to get sexy with the girls from time to time but he is just a tart.

[/ QUOTE ]

see that is my gut feeling too, I don't think he is a rig, just really loves shantia!!! Anyway hopefully he will settle a bit when he moves paddocks in a couple of weeks, he will still be able to see her but I hope it will be enough to help him detach a bit and calm up for his owner to ride.


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20 June 2007
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That's the problem with having a gorgeous sexy mare! We have a new mare in the field and Monty has decided that she's 'the one'. He usually forgets about them after a couple of weeks and moves on to another one or just goes back to being a bumbling old bachelor.

It's not his fault the mares in my field (Zoom included) are SLUTS!


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15 January 2009
South Somerset
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My Gelding is definately NOT a rig (I was there for the gelding), but he is quite happy to 'have his way' with any mare that gives him a nod and a wink.

I think its because he wasn't gelded until I had him at nearly 2 and he had already accidentally covered several mares by then, so he had those 'urges' switched on when he was young, so to speak!


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22 September 2004
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My naughty old Barney will have his wicked way with anything that will allow him (he is not choosy
), but he is definitely a gelding (just a randy one).


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7 April 2009
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not wanting to hijack a post here but what actually is a true rig?
i understand the riggy behaviour as a gelding trying to get jiggy with the girlys but is this right?
could some one enlighten me please



Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Problem is that we could always see he was very keen on her but this didn't cause too many problems, but his owner moved him for a month to another yard while she went on holiday so that her friend could look after him, when he returned it was even worse. He has only recently been backed, and the girl has done a wonderful job but she is only 15 and not quite sure how to handle a young upstart that thinks he will see if he can get his own way and rear with her. I would love to get on him and sort it out, but she hates anyone even touching him (she has done a lot of *whispers* parelli with him) and is worried that someone may be too harsh or mishandle him. I do hope that moving him to the next field is enough.


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20 June 2007
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My understanding is a true rig is where either, one testicle has not decended when they are cut, or residual tissues from one or both testicles is left behind. This leads to them having high levels of testosterone and, in the worst cases, still being able to produce semen.


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28 February 2008
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The only way sure way of finding out is to have your vet take blood sample called a rig test (technical term Oestrone Sulphate test) which will be sent off the lab where they will carry out a reading of the male hormones (testosterone) which is being produced (if any) in his body. This is measured on a scale which will indicate iwhat is acceptable for a gelding that has been successfully castrated, and what is level will show if the horse is a false rig, a rig and then a stallion etc
Do you know if the horse has been gelded or was sold as gelded?

A rig (crypt orchid) is horse that is carrying either both or one, either because they either or one has not dropped or the vet may have only taken one away or because they are concealed somewhere else rather than just a case of opening the horse up and whipping them out.

A false rig is horse that is still producing abnormal amounts of testosterone due to tissue which has left over from the castration but will still show the exact same tendencies and sexual nature as a true rig.

A further test called HCG Stimulation test can be carried out once you have the results from the above depending on what they are as any borderline results will need to be confirmed using the hCG stimulation test which is more accurate, this is an injection is given to boot the horses maximum level of testotestron that he can produce then they will take a further sample 30 minutes later, this gives a better indication of the level as the above is not always accurate and if its worth carrying out sugary, as there are two types of surgery involved, one which is higher risk and obviously a longer recovery process is involved as well as cost etc.

It is very common for young geldings to feel a little fruity at times or if they are not used to being with mares but a rig will certainly be different in his ways to gelding.

Being possessive
Low levels of concentration
Fighting with other horses
Sniffing the air, excessive rolling and generally much more sensitive to smells,taste and sounds
Mounting and actually entering the mare, a clue is very clean sheath!
Change in temperament due to the season
Colty behaviour which has actually progressed with age

I think it is important to have them tested because your horse may be at risk from being injured from mares kicking out and other owners horse are also at risk from being injured...if he is real problem however some cases a rig can live happily with both mares and geldings if he the others know to keep away.

My horse will was tested and will start his hormone replacement on Monday as he was showing stallion tendancies because of his high testotestone level, if you want more info then feel free to PM me and I can give you more info.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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cheers guys, esp kenzo and jessquoi, some very interesting stuff there. Testing him has been talked about a bit, but it is obviously down to the owners. My worry is that my mares might end up a bit frustrated with him and wther he or they will get hurt. He is moving in with geldings soon so that should help. However, I think she should probably test him for her own peace of mind if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2008
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My horse was said to be a rig when i was on an old yard. . . I had all the tests done and he wasnt a rig. . . but the yard wouldnt accept it so i moved. . .

He was also four and the reason he was thought to be a rig was beacuse he used to mount a gelding in the field, jump out of a field to get to this one gelding.

It was one of the most heartbreaking times of owning my lad as he was labled to be a bully, a monster and the list goes on. . . I would asy to get the horse tested, if he isnt a rig like mine was he is likely to grow out of it mine did. . . but if he is then well im not sure. . .i luckily didnt have to go down that route.

Hope it all sorts out


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Kenzo is right - your only way of knowing for sure is to get him blood tested for testosterone.
You can't tell from behaviour alone, IME; I've known rigs who were as good as gold (one was a riding school horse - best behaved one, too), and other true geldings who exhibited riggy sexual and dominance behaviour.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2008
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I thought mine might be a rig, he gets very attached to mares and has lept on a few of them before, he was gelded when he was a year old, and is 7 now.
Ive had him on global herbs rig calmer for about 6 wks and its made quite a bit if difference, it started to relax him more after about a week, he doesn't go nuts now when you take him away from the mares in the field, and I even noticed he started to graze with the other geldings in the field, id give that ago as the only other way to tell if he's a rig is by a blood test.