What Does Being aHunt Puppy Walker Involve?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2008
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Just curious, is it similar to looking after a guidedog pup by taking it into your home and looking after it for a few months?

Or is it just turning up at the kennels to walk the pups?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It means - everything destroyed, slippers in the pond, house plants upside down, cat up the tree, a visit to the police station to collect an awol, a mother in law on valium, strawberry patch flattened.........I could go on. However we were very proud when Roman, Remus and Romulus won us a prize.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
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Very different to a guide dog I am afraid....!

We walk pups every summer and love it, but is not for the faint hearted. You have them at your home and are responsible for feeding, worming etc. Your job is to teach them their names, and generally socialise them to humans and livestock. You cannot train them as you would a dog - but they will come to call if you get them into a routine and use treats.

We keep ours outside and are stabled - we are lucky as have an enclosed yard, so during the day try to give them as much free rein as possible. We also walk them on couples so that they get used to the concept.

They can be very mischeievous, into everything, and occasionally destructive! We find it better to have a couple as they play with each other and keep themselves entertained and excercised.

We have them for approx 6 mnths and have always had ones with lovely natures who very quickly become part of the family, and a few tears are shed when they are returned! However it is nice to see them back at the kennels, and progress in their hunting careers.