What is an allrounder?


Well-Known Member
17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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Just wondering about peoples opinions on here as I said on another post you are looking at 3K at least for a ready made horse yet some one said your looking at 6k for a ready made all rounder.

Now in my eyes an allrounder will have a go at anything and overall give the rider some fun.
If I wanted an allrounder I would want to:
Have a go at local level showjumping
Have a go at some unaffliated dressage maybe
safe hacking
Have a go/play at cross country/ sponsered rides
Go to a few hunts over the season
Maybe try some local showing

Not too competitive but can still enjoy the experience type of horse.

Yet in my eyes most schooled horses can do those things so how can they be worth 6K?

Or have I got my idea of an all rounder and the price bracket all wrong?


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I would say an all rounder would be competitive in all disciplines at RC or PC level and also hack out alone in and in company. An all rounder should be a straightforward ride and would not need a professional or very skilled expert rider to do well.

I would expect to pay about 3k for an all rounder pony and 5k for an all rounder horse.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2009
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IME any horse CAN be an allrounder but the price reflects the training that's put into him/her. A nice allrounder should in my eyes be capable of a good novice dressage test, a meter(ish) course and a fun hack. Pretty much all healthy horses are physically capable of this with the right rider.

I think this is the difference between an allrounder and a schoolmaster, an allrounder needs the right rider to do the more advanced movements but a schoolmaster will give you the right feel pretty much right off the bat.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I would say my NF pony is an all rounder - I have had him since he was just turned 5 and he is now 8 and we have done a bit of everything and he has been competitive in most of them and if we have not got placed it is due to my lack of experience in that discipline not his ability as every new thing I have introduced him to he has been happy to give it a go, we have not had a chance to do cross country other than popping the odd stream/log out hacking but so far we have done

RC dressage
Show jumping
Showing (county and affiliated)
Handy pony
Le Trec
Long distance rides
RC rallies
Escorted group rides
Hacking out alone and in company
Novelty classes eg family pony/RC pony/driving type in hand


Well-Known Member
8 June 2005
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I have one :)
1.He showjumps,enjoys it,very honest
2.He does dressage(well he will now :D)
3.He loves water...paddle in the sea till the cows come home
4.He loves X-Country...as long as he is spectating :D lmao!
My allrounder spectates also :)


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3 April 2003
South East
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I think much depends on the level of all-rounder you want. An all-rounder that will pop round the local clear round at 2' is going to be less expensive than one that will jump clear over a 3' course and get in local Riding Club teams, all other factors being equal.

Remember, that a nice sane, healthy, sound well-schooled allrounder who is not too young and not too old and hacks out alone is what so many people seem to want - if supply exceeds demand then prices will be high. Plus you say that any schooled horse can do that job but schooling takes time and patience and the sellers are entitled to expect some monetary reward for the schooling they have put in. Obviously, the alternative is to buy the raw material and school it yourself!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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As has been said the value of an 'all rounder' depends on the standard the horse achieves. One of ours competes at Newcomers, will do a Prelim at around 73%, will jump a reasonable X-country course & hacks out alone or in company. He's a thoroughly wonderful horse to be around & we wouldn't sell him. If he was to be up for sale we would want a tidy sum for him as he is improving all the time & loads of work have been put in on him. :)


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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I think an allrounder can do all you said BUT my stipulation would be that it can bring back rosettes in all phases too!

imo a horse is NOT an allrounder if it can do everything but it gets 40% at dressage, knocks 9 out of 10 fences down sj and clocks up 100 time penalties xc.

i would expect a nice allrounder (Novice dressage, 3'3ft sj, 3ft xc, sane and sensible) to cost around £6k or more.


Well-Known Member
22 December 2008
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i'd say an allrounder needs to be able to be placed/competative in all disciplines at a local/RC level - ie can turn their hoof to anything - and i also agree *most* horses could do that with a good trainer/rider - but many dont reach that level as it does demand more than an average leisure rider requires... does that makes sense?!

ie i'd not call a good allrounder a horse who's a fun and safe happy hacker who'll pop the odd fallen log and go on the odd fun ride and local show... i'd call that a hacker....i'd call one who's proven (ie placings) in a good few different things an allrounder...

now i'm no great rider - but i'd say i've got my horse to allrounder status now (before was def just leisure/happy hack) having had winnings- at local level - in xc, sj, jx, wh, ridden hunter, gone supreme show champion (RC) and hopefully will soon have dressage winnings under her belt ;) but also hacks well in comapny and alone, hunts perfectly behaved and will have a go at most things... i do give 99% of the credit for that though to my fab RI and her patient teaching! tehehe

oh and she's def not worth any more than about 3k... but then she's 12 so over that all important age of 8ish - a 6k allrounder would be under 8 id' say....