Well-Known Member
to be honest the quality of some of the equine dental treatment out there is appalling - and the worst in many cases are the vets who allegedly know what they are doing and don't. We had a mare come her on livery who was quidding so badly she was eating less than 20% of what she was given. It was just falling in piles outside her stable. Allegedly her teeth were fine as her previous vet had done them 2 months before. The owners are novices but have been advised by vets all the way through. I insisted on my dentist seeing them and basically her teeth were deformed. Sticking at all angles. feed was stuck in gaping holes and couldn't come out. It was festering and she had gingivitus. The same vet had been treating this mare as a headshaker and never thought that that could be caused by her mouth. My dentist and vet insisted that the mare needed immediate surgery. She had 2 molars out, and some serious dental work. She needs more surgery to remove one more tooth. but amazingly she is now a cured headshaker and no longer quids at all. The owners had been doing the right thing in getting her teeth checked. But the vet was truly useless he had no idea about teeth. He had been doing this mares teeth for about 4 years. The foul stench when I opened her mouth should have warned him something pretty serious was going on. Luckily THe mare has been caught in time to prevent her getting infection in her jawbone and she should be fine as long as her teeth are done every 6 months from now on - by a good dentist.