What is NZ like for horses?


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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Anyone know what the horsey scene is like in NZ?

i.e. I know that some of the best, toughest eventers come from there but how easy is it for the average person to have one or two horses on livery?

Is it expensive compared with the cost of living? Do BHS quals count for much?


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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Well I worked for a NZer, and according to him they don't like stabling horses, and don't really understand the BHS way of doing things! They have a big SJ and eventing scene over there, so there must be a leisure horse industry.


14 August 2001
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Hi, I lived in NZ for 2 years and am heading back over there with my horses in a couple of months. There are stables but, depending on where you are, it is just as economical to buy some land. I worked for a couple who bred swedish warmbloods - they have the highest graded mare in the history of grading and she lived out pretty much 24/7, same as their other mares, stallions and youngsters. There is a general belief that horses should live as naturally as possible in terms of being in a herd etc and NZers are quick to make their point if they think your horse isn't been looked after properly! I am BHS qualified but found that it was my experience which really opened doors. Am going back to run a RDA centre - can't wait! Am taking my horses over there and know they will just love it - quiet places to hack, open spaces to graze and perfect weather!

Are you thinking about heading over there? whereabouts? pm me if you want more detailed information!


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
Cambs/Northants Border
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I was out there a couple of years ago getting hitched but I never saw a bridleway. What are the rules out there is it just riding on land you have permission for? Husband is very keen on going back more permanently, South Island based would love to know more!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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i am sure it has changed a bit now but when i was a kid i paid $10 a week for a field. diy.
they know of the bhs exams but kiwis really like it if you get your hands dirty. if you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2002
new zealand
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Unless you live around one of the main cities there would be very little in the way of livery and what there is I would say is very expensive. Most people if they don't have their own land rent a paddock privately. I would say 90% of horses live out all the time, depending on what area you are in the grazing can vary. For example in the middle to upper north island there is alot more rain and it is reasonably warm so there is grass grows all year round, many people get away with mimimal supplementary feed. Where I live on the South Island it is prone to drought so by mid summer my 10 acre paddock can be like a desert sometimes and it can be hard to get hay as everyone wants it.

There are no bridleways here and you are taking your life into your hands riding on the roads as I have found NZers very nice people until they get behind the wheel of a car!!!!!!! You really need to make arrangements with landowners to ride on their land. I have found most to be pretty receptive. There is alot of council land and forest parks which also allow horses and of course depending where you live, beaches.

There are plenty of activities here, shows on most weekends again more around the main centres. Every discipline seems to be catered for and also there are plenty of riding clubs.

Horse feed, shoeing and english tack, worming etc is expensive when you go onto earning NZ$ after British pounds.

Feel free to email me if you want any specific information.

