What is wrong with my rottweiler?


Well-Known Member
27 February 2007
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I am seriously worried about my rottwieler, a few months ago she had to have xrays on her back and was found to have a condition called spondylitis where by some of the vertebrae in her back are calcifying, while at the vets I commented on her having lost weight and he said that it was just that she had been feeling under the weather with her back problem and not to worry about it. Since then the weight has dropped off her and a couple of weeks ago I weighed her and she had lost over two stone so I called in at the vets and he gave me worming tablets and said that would be the problem. All of a sudden the last couple of days she looks really bad with all of her ribs and backbone showing. Apart from the severe weight loss she seems fine other than not being so boisterous and keeps coming on the settee for cuddles. I am straight on the phone in the morning to get an appointment at the vets as I want her seen before the easter break. She is only six years old and i,m terrified i,m going to lose her. Please can anyone help with any suggestions as to what is wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
1 August 2005
Think I might try a different vet - are they a very good small animal practice?

How about asking for a referral to one of the specialist university clinics, Bristol, Cambridge ( not sure where you are?), or the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2005
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Why don't you Google spondylitis and get some information on the condition. I did and and got 2 million sites.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2004
co durham
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Personally I don't think this weight loss is associated with the spinal problem and definitely needs futher investigation. When you take your dog in take a urine sample with you and also request a blood test as a good starting point.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2006
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I agree, maybe a change of vet and a referral to a specialist or at least a second opinion is called for if you don't get any joy on this visit. Maybe this is a condition that causes weight loss when the appetite is normal in the same way that cancer can? Is she on painkillers?

Good luck at the vets x


Well-Known Member
15 July 2004
West Sussex
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I would change vets TBH, you clearly don't trust what he is saying - it soundsl ike he is fobbing you off each time, are you giving him ALL the details - is there any miscommunication - if you answer no then you need to seek a second opinion.

Hope your little girl gets better soon. xxx


Well-Known Member
27 February 2007
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Well she went to the vet today and he did blood tests stating that something was seriousley wrong and told us to come back in an hour, I got myself really upset and went in to hear the bad news but instead he said that the results were normal and didn,t show anything. Heart rate is normal, colour is normal, no sickness or diarrohea and a good appetite. No symptoms other than drastic weight loss. Tomorrow she has to have chest and abdominal xrays and he needs a urine sample. He did mention further blood tests as well saying that it could possibly be lukemia. If he can,t find anything I will ask for a refferal to a specialist veterinary hospital and hope that they can find something.