What makes you love your horse.......


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12 March 2010
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This will probably get moved to photo gallery but never mind....

So what makes you love your horse/horses. Photos can be included if you wish....

So my boy, well firstly I'm incredibly lucky that my best friend fell in love with him and brought him in the first place and that she let's me share him :)

He makes me laugh or smile everytime I see him.
He loves his food, just like me.
He may look like a shire x but really in his heart he's a naughty shetland!
He's scared of the most ridiculous things like dock leaves?
He's lovely to ride and we look after each other.
He's was there for me in the summer when I had alot of bad things happen. He let me cry into his mane and was just there providing horse therapy in his own gentle way.

And a photo



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17 January 2011
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I got Mike as a yearling, we've been through adolescent naughties and temper tantrums and come out the other side, he always whinnies when he sees me and is a total clown, I can get him to do pretty much anything



Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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what makes me love my Horse?
which one lol

Well I will do my mare,

She is loyal
Looks after me when riding,
Is a dream to own

Is a fighter ( fighting laminitis and abscess/ rotastion ) 6 months box rest

has a wonderful temperament
would not change anything apart from the time wish i could turn back clock, so i could have stoped the lami and she would be with me all over again.

is a horse in a million
is a fantastic mum to her son
gives me gr8 rides ( up to the lami ):(
she is there for me when feeling down when i lost my first mare
was an angel to break in .
who i love with all my heart <3


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24 October 2008
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I got Tigger as a unhandled 6 mth goal off the moors, he is particularly untrusting and edgy he's 7 in may and we have the most amazing bond. I.smile just thinking of him and he's always wiggling his nose when I go into the field to get him. He's been such a rewarding pony to have and I love him more than anything! If finances got too low I'd live in the field with him lol! He's been there through death of my first horse, life threatening illness, operations, break ups and no matter what I am going through wrapping my arms around him always makes it better. Apart from 2010 once when I wasn't with it at all he spooked a.d knocked me flying lol still once in 6 years isn't bad!

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
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Although I lost me beloved Seren 3months ago on 14th January I would like to talk about why I loved her so very much, and will always love her. My parents purchased her at auction for me as a 2 year old back in July 1992 I was so chuffed, I am hatless I know :eek: I was 11yrs old and Seren at 2 (i look awful lol), I desperately wanted a photo of me on her, my new lovely horsey


She was a beautifully natured mare, who was so kind, willing and honest. She did everything I asked of her, and she was a talented and versatile girl who could really jump too, she was great at cross country and a wonderful hacking mare.
She was also a wonderful mum to six healthy and beautiful foals, and passed on her lovely laid back and willing nature on to them all.

I knew she was my horse of a lifetime before she was taken suddenly, I always knew she was special, as the years passed I only felt luckier and luckier.

Here is to my Seren, who was beautiful inside and out, I miss you darling, she was my rock and I think we shared some similar characteristics :)



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6 December 2011
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when i stand in the cupboard in her stable which has all her stuff in, she plays her favourite game of closing the door with her head, then i open it, she closes it and this goes on and on :D


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29 June 2010
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He's just soo lovely, loves cuddles, follows me round, really communicates with me the whole time &#9829; and if he's scared of something when im leading him, he will actually look me in the eye, as if to say 'is it safe? can we go past that?' bless him :) however when im on board, it's a slightly different matter ;)




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29 August 2009
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Lots of people ask me this...and honestly I don't really know.

My dream horse is:
Something that I can hack alone, for miles and miles.
One that can jump and doesn't get silly.
A fancy colour (Meaning not simple colours like brown/bay/plain black/white)
Long mane and flowing tail.

What I ride:
Doesn't hack alone, barely goes in front.
Rears, charges, prances and acts like a tool when jumping.
Plain old bay.
Scraggy mane, but quite nice tail.

I guess I love him so much, because he seems bit lost and lonely, like I used to be. We've both helped each other :)

Here he is, doing his 'War Horse' face :p


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28 July 2009
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Captain - when we bought him he was an aggressive, dangerous horse who had been abused physically and mentally, he had no trust in anyone and was really a nightmare, afraid of everything and responding to his fear with aggression. I admire him because he is a fighter, he refuses to be cowed or beaten again and will stand his corner. I trust him because he gave us a chance, we made a pact with him and he has stuck to it as we have. We told him if he would just behave in a manner that did not include being dangerous, eg rearing in hand, kicking, biting, barging and cornering in return he would have a home for life. He has kept his side, we will keep ours. He is a total gentleman, kind and sweet natured, he is still fiesty if cornered, but if handled correctly he is an angel. He tries to act hard but hates to be told off, and soon comes creeping back. He no longer kicks or bites, and he loves cuddles.

So why do I love him? Because he is Captain and he makes my world a much better place to be.


Fany- Well everyone who meets her loves Fany. Gentle, kind and the sweetest tempered mare anyone could hope to meet she is a huge favourite on the yard from the YO's MIL down to her tiny 1 yr old niece, everybody loves her. Fany is so tolerant and stoic we have to be very careful with her, she got cast the other day and when she got p she was stiff, no panic just waited quietly, so YO walked her and then called us, we went up to walk her again and we got such a lovely whinny from her! Then yesterday we were checking her and saw right up high on her leg she had a bad rub, never made a fuss or anything when it was tended. She is one in a million and makes the lie that mares are difficult.


My 2 lovely, very different horses.


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29 April 2010
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Because he constantly surprises me and passes my expectations. We've come a very long way and sometimes I think he is still the spooky scared horse he used to be, then he reminds me that he is not :)
And because we can hack for miles and miles and not get bored with each others company :)



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18 July 2011
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So many things...

-He's given me my confidence back on the ground as he's so gentle.
-I am no longer a nervous hacker, despite him being half the age of my previous horse.
-He's always pleased to c me, and has started greeting me at the gate.
-He hasn't got a nasty bone in in his body with humans or other animals (he has befriended a chicken lol)

However, i wasnt so happy earlier when he greeted me with a destroyed rug! Lol

Tonty Tont

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16 August 2010
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Because he had such an awful start to his life, and now we have an amazing bond :)

He can be tough and brave, but then you occasionally see his vulnerable side, and I'm the only one who can comfort him. He protects me from the other horses, and wouldn't let me get hurt. He often gently nuzzles into me, and gives me kisses. He'll let me do anything with him, and trusts me not to hurt him.

He just has a heart of gold. I love my Tonty Tont :)





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18 November 2009
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My Sec D Spring has been aroumd forever with me and taught me to ride and tanked around pony club embarrassing me in alsorts of ways. She's such a character, listens to us speak and makes faces..she's 19 now but doesn't act a day over 9. Also she's had some injuries that would put any TB to shame, inuding a lacerated eyeball and a snapped tendon which refused on her hock. But she's still totally rideable.
Then there's Bo the failed ex racer. Bought her for pennies. A completely mad 'lost cause' as described by her old owner but totally beautiful and perfectly mannered. Just had kissing spine surgery 2 weeks back...can't wait to see how much of a 'lost cause' she is when I get back on her in May. Love this thread


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26 March 2007
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I love him as he makes me smile he is such a character .
I don't have many of me riding as we haven't done a lot in the coming up to 4 years I have had him we have had 2 serious injuries which have required a lot of time off



He is so funny the other week I had my coat over the fence whilst i was poo picking he went up to it picked it up and started shaking it abou, his field friend was bricking himself and my horse just looked at him as if to say what??..:D

He wouldn't harm a fly he is so gentle I remember a few summers back when my niece would have been about 5 and a half maybe 6 and he would just stand in the field for my niece to brush him he wouldn't move (Her shettie is a nightmare at the best of times).

He prefers to spend time with me than other horses he is a people horse :)


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7 December 2011
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Here's Bridie
I got her when she was 13 and she will be 23 in April. She's very sweet natured and still spooks at daft things despite her age. I love her horsey smell :) and all the wonderful hacks we had together and sponsored rides and comps. I love that she's like Shantih who I loved as a child lol. I can't imagine what it would be like without her.
edited to add: I love all the pictures and stories you have added - beautiful and special


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7 June 2011
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Everything, theres not one thing i would even dream of changing!
she may not be a jumper or even a dressage pony, but she is everything to me.
Shes loyal,looks after me,always there for me, makes me laugh and smile when no one else can and i love her, and would be lost without her!


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31 August 2011
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I love how everyone thinks she's a terrifying dragon (and to be fair she does pull some nasty faces and is a bit handy with her back feet) but when we're on our own she loves nothing more than slobbering over my coat while I rub her forelock and ears. She'd never admit this though :)


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16 July 2011
South Wales
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I love my Billy because he is such a sweety, he's only 4 but loves to be cuddled and have human contact. He's quite a sensitive soul and will get stressed easily and can be fiery to ride but in the 7 months I've had him we've already built an amazing bond, even the little things like he wouldn't let anyone near his back legs when I first had him and now he lifts them up in readiness for me to pick them out. His paces are to die for and he has a huge jump and tries his heart out everytime. But I don't just love him because he's beautiful and talented, I love him for being him and for giving me a big fat kiss on the cheek or nibbling my ear whenever I see him :D

Here is a pic of him doing his first Arena Hunter Trials, it was only the 2'3 course but he jumped everything, including brush fences, mini gate etc and didn't refuse once :)



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8 June 2008
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I love l for the kisses and cuddles i've always had from her and the funny face she pulls when she wants me to groom her. I love that she's going senile but she still knows me. B just is my soul mate and I love her.


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28 July 2010
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I love everything about her, even the way she can be so difficult sometimes and break everything, including gates, fences, doors, grooming kits, buckets, rugs, windscreen wipers! My favourite things about her are:
1) She speaks all the time!! She whinnies even when she wants water!
2) She is so ditzy and freaks out at ridiculous things like squirrels sat on fences but then doesn't bother about bin bags blowing down the road towards her
3) She is so nosey and has to stop at least two times on the way to the field to stare into the distance
4) She tries to sit in the wheelbarrow
5) She contantly backs up to me asking me to scratch her butt and then goes into a dream world for ages when I do!!