what ribbon? Horse puts in naughty stops and bucks/bronco's!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2007
South Yorkshire
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My older horse only ever gets giddy when he hunts, he will buck/bronco and put in naughty stops! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I try n keep to the back with him (infact i try not to hunt him but OH is riding my hunter this time)

I have always considered putting a ribbon in his tail but what?
Green - to "be aware" that he may buck/stop, etc but hes not a novice?
Red - Incase he bucks n kicks out? (hes never kicked any horse ever but obviously when bucking may catch someone? but he might go and never buck once?) but hes not a kicker?

or dosnt any ribbon apply??? :confused:

I can never decide, so i havnt bothered , and just tried to keep him out of peoples way.

he wouldnt ever kick anyone, just he gets giddy at the start :eek:! lol


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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if your horse KICKs put RED,

green is for GREEN horse,

if your horse don't like horses close up his bum in gateway etcs, stick your hand flat out against your back, as this just a warning not to get to close


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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My best hunter was always a complete gent until some stupid woman used him as a brake and rammed her horse into his bottom (on the left side). Since then (and this was a few years ago) he has always been very defensive about people galloping up behind and getting too close, and if they do he bucks, but always out to the left.

I tried warning people not to get too close (we have very small fields so you'd think people would learn), tried using the hand flat behind my back (yeah right they all took notice of that :confused:), and eventually decided to put a large red ribbon on his tail because, even though I did not want to label him as a kicker when he certainly isn't, I did not want to feel responsible if he did make contact with someone.

People are still utterly ignorant and gallop up his backside and generally get too close, which I think is daft whatever horse is involved, and the only think I can now think of doing is wearing a large sign on my back with an arrow saying "Keep Right!" :(


Well-Known Member
21 May 2008
S. Lincs.
My pony is exactly the same, I always stick red ribbon in [although I use red electrical tape, you know it'll stay in then]. He's not a kicker, but he once bucked and caught someone so since then he's had a reputation. Would rather have the red ribbon in and say "I warned you" than him catch someone and do serious damage.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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A lot of people out with us use a red ribbon for 'non kickers' but horses that dont like others being too close.

As with all horses who are liable to buck into another horse or actually kick, I would advise sticking out of the middle of the field so that you dont get into a situation where your horse could catch someone, as whether a buck or a kick, the net result would be much the same!

Christmas Crumpet

Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
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I had a situation on Sat as we went across the first field. Despite us having a red ribbon, someone riding a racehorse went right up his bum as we all started cantering. My horse let rip and was like a jack in the box. I had already said to the person to keep away from his bum because he doesn't like people right up it which is understandable. I was also at the edge of the field keeping out of the way so if person's horse had got kicked I'm afraid I would have blamed them.


17 September 2008
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If you think its really likely that he will catch someone I would stick a red ribbon in his tail. It sounds like you do everything you can to keep him out of the way etc so maybe a ribbon would just stop people using you as a stopping post?!?!

Little rant now!! I really get cross with people in the field riding horses with red ribbons in tails then sticking themselves in the middle of a large crowd at a gateway where it is very likely their horse is going to lash out!!! Yes it is good that they have put ribbon in but it doesn't mean they can just carry on regardless and not take responsibility for where they put their horse in the field!!


Well-Known Member
11 February 2008
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If in doubt please put a ribbon in. I was out hunting 3 weeks ago with the Sandhurst Draghounds. We came up alongside another horse who cow-kicked out and caught my horse in the side of his face. Closer examination revealed that the bottom 4 inches of his tongue had been partially severed. He has since had it stitched back together twice but the constant movement of the tongue has prohibited its healing. The wound is now unlikely to heal back together so he will be left with large split in the side of his tongue. I appreciated that horses are in their very nature unpredictable but I KNOW that my horse would not have kicked out like this.