little wally
New User
i'll start from the beginning i bought a pony 10 years ago for my daughters and after 12 mths of owning her she went extremly lame and after vets, scans, xrays and key hole surgery at hospital to insert cameras in both back legs, they found she'd stretched both cruate ligaments, then 7 years ago she developed severe sweet itch ( which is a constant battle) plus she is a very moody mare, anyone else would have given up on her years ago but even with all her faults and attitude we love her and as was only 6 when all this started i felt she needed to go on longer, she has been ridden at walk round on short hacks, sometimes with attitude, sometimes as a donkey, but recently shes been bronking when ridden ( shes always put a fly buck in but never stuck head between knees), shes not happy to stand in field and do nothing but i feel she not safe to ride but is it time to end it and have her put to sleep, my head says one thing and my heart says another, i need people who are not emotionally involved to talk to.