Ok well firstly it's actually now called Autumn Hunting
and basically it is introducing the young hounds (new entry) to what is expected off them and getting everyone back into fitness etc. Basically there is alot of standing around coverts to hold them up so that the hounds can work out different trails, the pace inbetween each covert can be fairly speedy but is not normally for that long and there may possibly be some jumps, depends on the hunt and the country really. Both horse and rider should have some degree of fitness, days tend to get longer and longer, we had our first day out this season and were out for a couple of hours, again it will depend alot on the country to be covered and the scent as well. I think last season towards the end of Autumn Hunting we had one day that lasted nearly 6 hours, but mainly tend to last about a couple of hours espicially this early in the season.