what to expect from a groom/rider interview?


Well-Known Member
11 January 2007
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Be honest about your abilities!!
I get fed up will bull....!
Im not interested if you've sat on a Grand Prix horse I'm interested in what you've actually done yourself!
I'd rather have an honest worker who wants to learn and can take instruction.
Good luck hope all goes well!


Well-Known Member
27 August 2011
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Be honest about your abilities!!
I get fed up will bull....!
Im not interested if you've sat on a Grand Prix horse I'm interested in what you've actually done yourself!
I'd rather have an honest worker who wants to learn and can take instruction.
Good luck hope all goes well!

That's the thing I'm worried about. My friends and those who have seen my ride have said I need to stop underselling myself.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Make some notes on the questions you want to ask I am really pleased when someone interviews as if they have thought it through a bit before hand not only does it make it easier to find out about each other it shows an organised mind that thinks ahead.
The selling yourself thing is hard I think the best advice I can think of is sell yourself but gentlly think of the things that will be important in the job you are going to do and think of things that you have done that are relevant.
I like people who give the impression that they be flexible with their experiance and fit in with our systems that are lively and I like people who are fun.
I place great store by watching people around my horses thats thing that decides it for me .
Good luck and remember its nerve wracking on both sides.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2011
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When i went to work in Ireland on a small yard that produces sport-horses i didn't really have an interview, went over got picked up at the airport and taken to the yard. got changed into jod's and rode one of her horses, she gave me a lesson and just checked my abilities etc.. I loved my job, it was hard work but i was given so many opportunities to ride, jump at shows and go hunting which was great for me as my family are non-horsey so refused to ever take me anywhere! So long as you are willing to adapt to their way of doing things you should be fine! i used to spend hours getting my horses ready for shows, but there i had about 30mins max per horse. When you go just be yourself and be honest, they will be able to judge your abilities when they see you ride :) Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
27 August 2011
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Thanks for the advice guys, I'm looking forward to it , its tomorrow the interview. erm seems a daft question but should I turn up wearing jods etc, just looking very presentable? :eek:


Well-Known Member
27 August 2011
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It wouldn't be on a racing yard would it, I saw an ad for one last week in our area.

Good luck anyway.

Thanks rockysmum, its not that one, though I think that I know the one that you are on about.

And cheers Ruth, Ill do that, nice cream or white jods looking clean and all.

Nervous already.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2004
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I wouldn't wear cream or white Josh's for an interview. Clean dark coloured or dark beige Josh's, clean boots or gaiters and a neat top/ jacket.