What would the antis do?


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14 November 2007
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Estimates of how many creatures are killed by cats each year vary significantly.

The most recent figures are from the Mammal Society, which estimates that the UK's cats catch up to 275 million prey items a year, of which 55 million are birds. This is the number of prey items that were known to have been caught; we don't know how many more the cats caught, but didn't bring home, or how many escaped but subsequently died.

Just a question for pault should cats be banned as they are cruel blood thirsty killers only out for there own pleasure?


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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All for a bit of eradification,me. But have fun with it too..esp anti`s and Trolls..soak `em in "pissoirre de reynard" and hunt them ...all this b.....tennis is so tame..and that ugly gurning Scot ..Urgghhh.
Let`s have some activity and fun while cleansing our country:D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
15 June 2010
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i agree my boyfriends family have just brought a new cat but had a go at me the other day as i believe hunting is ok. i dont actually hunt but would if i could


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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First off you have to conduct some terribly biased studies. In ths case by an old woman who stinks of pee and wears angora cardigans.

As soon as that study has prooved that cats are cute and fluffy you pop them onto the endagered species list and start campaining to have all terriers shot and burnt at the stake because lots of people who own horses and ergo are obviously rich own them and they have a tendancy to kill cats.

When the RSPB kick up a stink send reports into the News of the World that their CE has been taking it up the jacksey with a conservative MP and start campaigning against Conservative MP's.

Bring hunting into the debate a few times and blame it on the upper classes. Ban suits for work and demand all workers should wear angora hats from peru... If they smell of cat wee all the better. gain the support of a cosmetic sfirm and develop a shampoo called Catalistic and make indocrinate as many of your friends, colleuges, family and stranger on the street to believe that the Robin and swallow are actually harbouring ecoli and MRSA and we know what happened the last time those broke out don't we. Claim that blue tits and yellow hammers have been sexually perverted for years and encourage peado's then hold a few talks and demonstrations that hardly anyone will go to because they can't actually stand the smell of cat's wee.

Publish pictures of kingfishers ripping apart fish and a moorhen killing an insect then claim that they are destroying the conservation efforts of the nation and encourage cruelty to small children.

If all else fails shout really really loudly while bandishing a banner saying long live cats and encourage whatshisname who wrote the play to join the band waggon. Spray some pepper spray at some people, forwar some hate mail randomly to conservatives or anyone suspected of voting conservative or the old lady who used to breed norfolk terriers when she was 20. Claim that they are the devil reincarnate and spray paint their house with the words "cat killers" ignoring the moggy that is sound asleep on the window sill and shout a bit more.

Sell some cat piddle hats that are no longer made from angora wool but are in fact made by 4 year old slaves in labour camps in india and with recycled toilet paper. Shout really really loudly again until your local MP agrees a pact just to shut you the heck up.

Get what you want and all small birds extinct but STILL shout some more just in case no one heard you in the first few instances.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yes. Occasionally sneak onto "terriers united" forum and claim that you are enlightening debate when you quote the old lady in the angora hat who was suffering from dementia at the time anyway and though she was reporting on a proposed motorway through a forest in Angora.

I think thats it.


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Paddydou love it! :D

Estimates of how many creatures are killed by cats each year vary significantly.
The most recent figures are from the Mammal Society, which estimates that the UK's cats catch up to 275 million prey items a year, of which 55 million are birds. This is the number of prey items that were known to have been caught; we don't know how many more the cats caught, but didn't bring home, or how many escaped but subsequently died.
Just a question for pault should cats be banned as they are cruel blood thirsty killers only out for there own pleasure?

I happen to like cats - bloodthirsty killers that they are...good luck to 'em!

Ok time for a bit of monty pythonesque type silliness I think..

Anti: Consider the lilies...

OP: Consider the lilies?

Anti: Uh, well, the birds, then.

OP: What birds?

Anti: Any birds.

OP: Why?

Anti: Well, have they got jobs?

OP: Who?

Anti: The birds.

OP: Have the birds got jobs?!

OOP: What's the matter with him?

OP: He says the birds are scrounging.

ANTI: Oh, uhh, no, the point is the birds. They do all right. Don't they?

OP: Well, good luck to 'em.

OOP: Yeah. They're very pretty.

ANTI: Okay, and you're much more important than they are, right? So, what are you worrying about? There you are. See?

OP: I'm worrying about what you have got against birds.

ANTI: I haven't got anything against the birds. Consider the lilies.

OP: He's having a go at the flowers now.

OOP: Oh, give the flowers a chance.
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Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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I have`nt got an Angora hat :(:(:(:(

For goodness sake EK keep up! You need one that has tassels and ties up under your chin. The tassels must be plaited and you must get a cat to piddle on it first. If you don't have a cat ask the local Cats Protection to take it and use it as bedding for a week or two for the local Tom.

I forgot the stamp your feet really hard sulk and say because I said so lots of times. Tell everyone that you love the earth and that is why you fail to wash on a regular basis and don't brush you hair. Get attacked by the local chickens searching for yummy bugs in your hair and tell the world that this has prooved your point that birds are evil creatures and shout a bit more while purchasing Catalistic shampoo for all your friends and family whether they like the smell of cat pee or not.

Still can't believe that EK is not going to be stuck with a fake angora hat made with child labour instead of the real thing... Seriously you can't get the posters these days can you! ;)


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Think I may fall at the first fence here..no hat..like birds..hate cats.:(

Tsk next you will be telling us all that you are far to grown up and dinified to stamp your feet and shout loudly telling all and sundry that you must be right because you said so!

Whta is happening to the world these days... tsk...

Juniper Jack

Well-Known Member
27 October 2010
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Pretty daft post is it not? Why dont we just eradicate people since we are the most cruel bloody thirsty killers on the planet? :rolleyes:

Well, the rest of the earth might be better off. And I doubt if there would be any thought about there being too many cats around.

But foxes are pretty. Mice and rats aren't. :p


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Oh I think mice are very pretty,if they were`nt so silly as to breed so damn fast they would be welcome to stay.As ever:rolleyes: though,once again they`ve overdone the sex bit so we need to give a blast of "suppressant". Shame really..but the field mice are sensible and only live in the larder roof in winter,so they are welcome guests.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2011
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so what happens when the antis have nothing left to be anti about? do you think they will become pro everything?