Mine was taken away & cremated.......didn't think to ask for ashes back at the time, plus it can be pretty pricey. IMHO-once they're gone, they're gone..but maybe nice to scatter ashes somewhere.
when ever we have had to have horses put down the local slaughtermen have come out + done it, then taken the body away, we dont have a local hunt so this is the next best option for us.
flissy will go to the hunt as there is no way i will pay extorniate (sp) amounts for ashes that i dnt know wat i'd do with..... dont get me wrong as that sounded harsh but my thinking is that i can then think of her "hunting in the sky" she'd probs like it
each to their own tho
my 3 year old was ceramted but I didn't ask for the ashes as just couln't afford it. will prob do the same with others. When we had an old horse of my daughters destroyed the YO sorted it out and he was shot with a pistol. Was dead before he hit the ground and in many ways think this is better as more instant. They then take away the body and incinerate it or use it for zoo feed. (so I was told)
Someone here posted about their old horse going to the hunt (sorry, i cannot recall who it was). Apparently this horse absolutely loved hunting, and when he got to the kennels and heard the hounds, he practically danced off the trailer. He was shot as he danced off the trailer, and would never have known a thing, he thought he was going hunting. I honestly think that is the very best way to end a much-loved horse's life.
BTW, if the person who posted that story is reading this, my apologies for stealing your story, but I really think its one of the kindest, most humane PTS stories i've ever read. It still makes me a bit emotional, thinking of that horse having such happy last moments.
e have lost two very well loved horses in last year. Absolutely devastating - I can honestly say that losing one of them was almost as bad as when I lost my mum. We loved them. BUT we let the 'knackerman' take them. I had no worries about this. I am a christian and truly believe in life beyond death - even for horses. Why not?? they are magnificent, created individuals too.
2 were pts at home and went to the hunt. The 3rd is buried in the field, she was elderly and arthritic and had been on bute for quite a while so could not go to the kennels, otherwise I would have been happy for her to go.
Mine have either died/ or were put down at home then to hunt. The chap that came out was great and Freddie didn't have a clue. Once they're dead they don't know what happens to them.
I can't bear the thought of a horse of mine going to the hunt. I know they are dead and gone but I think giving them to the hounds is awful and I wouldn't be able to come to terms with it. I'd have mine cremated. We've only lost one and she died at the hospital yard so she was cremated there.
Mine was cremated, and I have his ashes in a oak casket on my beside table. Couldnt bear to part with him as he was my forever horse. I also have some of his mane in a locket that i've worn since the day after he was PTS.
Sorry to sound thick but when they go to the hunt what happens?
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Given a bucket of feed in calm surroundings, shot and then either incinerated or cut up and fed to hounds. Depends on what drugs they have been on. Whichever happens the horses are dealt with calmly and professionally and treated with respect.
It so depends on the individual circumstances and personal preferences, each to their own.
I don't have the option of a Hunt in this area, if I did that is most certainly where any horse of mine would go, my horses always went to the Hunt in the UK, fitting really as they were hunters. In my experience it is always as Jemima says, they think "Ohhhh hounds, hunting yippee! Ohhhhhh, even better - oats" I even know one Huntsman that blows 'Gone Away' whilst the Kennelman does his job.
I don't have a problem with it at all, as far as I am concerned the body is just a carcase, the outer shell. The 'personality' that made up the horse is gone and neither knows nor cares one way or another. I am not callous, just realistic.
No way would I pay for cremation, the cost of it here would buy hard feed for my other horses for a winter, I cannot afford that, and even if I could, I wouldn't.
As it is, currently it isn't a problem I have, I have a tractor and 20 acres of forest with a lovely, flower filled, but useless clearing, that all my animals, including horses, get buried in.
Given a bucket of feed in calm surroundings, shot and then either incinerated or cut up and fed to hounds. Depends on what drugs they have been on. Whichever happens the horses are dealt with calmly and professionally and treated with respect.