whats the worst...............


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22 November 2005
Yep, and then they behaved beautifully


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4 July 2005
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i lost my temper when Star threw a kid off on a riding lesson(when he used to be on working livery aggggggggess ago!) he was just totally taking the whatnot and hadn't done it for ages

he never did it again!


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6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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Oh once told my pony off because she entered her stable after i spent hours making it ruler straight... totaly flat and perfect! How dare she come in her stable!!

Oh god also got so anoyed when i was breaking this cob who wasnt doing something *while back cant remember* i lost it jumped off and left her... didnt get very far though she followed me like a dog!

In natural horseman ship if they just buger off or start eating im not best pleased but im fully allowed to chase after them, being cross and heardy like!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Sunny Worcs
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i alwasys lose my temper with my horses, but it never does any god, they just get worse, then my mum has to take over! I cant think what wold be the worst..... probably when i was getting really annoyed because i couldnt get my horse (who is the easiest horse to get on the bit ever) on the bit, so i got the draw reins out....... please don't shoot me


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9 January 2004
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I lose my temper with myself, but not with the horse, I will go and cry, shout scream etc at myself, but I know that taking it out on the horse won't help anyone. I quite often tell them in a normal voice that they are going to the sausage factory if they refuse once more / rear again / take the michael and then generally makes me feel better. I have been known to drag small children off their ponies when they start taking it out on the pony...!!!!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
had a highland x a few years ago who used to fidget like hell at shows, I remember getting him home and literally just giving him to my friend otherwise I was going to really hurt him!!

Just one of those biffy types!!


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15 December 2003
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I get frustrated like my head is going to explode, i have to get off, i do have a problem with my temper, and i dont carry a whip as i know i would use it like mad.
I have lessons and when i stress i either have a breather and go back to basics,

It does really annoy me though that horse is being a pain, with first pony she used to be strong but quite lazy when schooling so you had to take it easy before you got to canter work or you would have no brakes,
But new horse is quite forward so you have to be doing all the time but have brakes on him which is a bonus, xx


Well-Known Member
6 September 2005
Warks/Worcs border
nothing too bad but yes i do get really peed off when my naughty pony rears and bucks when being led to/from the field and give her a dig in the ribs (through her winter rug mind you!) but losing your temper never gets you anywhere and you always feel bad afterwards well i do!

When i was young with my first pony (the monster mentioned above) she kept spooking everytime i rode her past a showjumping wall, that she jumped all the time and had never looked at before, so i walked her over to it as i was so pissed off and kicker her to walk over to it, she jumped forwards and got her foot in it and then panicked! no injury to horse or rider but that taught me a valuable lesson in controlling my temper!


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4 February 2006
Stradbroke Suffolk
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Not to do with losing temper, but the worst thing I think i've done, in terms of making me feel for the big man, was make him travel in my old lorry. He was obviously really upset, but I kept on, until he totally freaked. Felt really bad for being such an idiot.


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8 August 2005
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To be honest No, if he gets bargy or steps on me etc I am annoyed but losing your temper is a waste of time & not constructive at all. You always regret it afterwards. The horse doesn't realise what the problem is & you just upsert him & make the situation worse. I learnt may years ago that losing it achieves nothing........I'm no saint though I lose my temper regularly with the kids.


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11 December 2004
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Just bought a new welshie (10 year old, so he knew his job) for my then 5 year old daughter, was leading him down to the field to turn out, he was walking in hand, sweet as pie when he suddenly turned and clamped his jaw around my thigh. It was sly and quite intentional. Without thinking I punched him (friend said she swore his teeth rattled) and from that day and for the next 3 years he was the safest little person for small children to be around that you could wish for.
I make no apologies for my actions which were instinctive. I had massive bruising and cuts, he would have seriously damaged a small child. Childrens' ponies absolutely must have manners as far as I am concerned.
That's the only time I can recall REALLY losing it with a horse.


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12 September 2006
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Years ago I had a minature sheltland who was the most stubben little pony ever.

She was kept in the garden and the big ones out in the paddocks. At night I would have to catch her first because I dare not risk walking the big ones past as one of my horses would have killed her.

Anyway she was a little devil to catch and then would firmly plant herself and refuse to go in the stable. I tried everything and got loads of help and advice etc.

I would get home from work in the dark, wet and cold, spend half an hour catching the little minx to fall at the next hurdle getting her in the stable. I remember standing pouring with sweat, and crying with temper at her many times.

This went on and we got the catching down to a fine art, and going into the stable got better. I really thought we had cracked it, until one day she would not go in the stable. I got hubby and a friend to put a rope behind her and we heaved her in.

Eventually my farrier suggested a cattle prod, I went as far as ordering one, but did'nt go through with it.

I put her in the papers for sale and a little old lady came along with loved mini's. She came in a four by four car and said "load her up". We reversed her car next to a big hump of hard core and the little devil, walked up and just got in her car!!!. The little sod did'nt hesitate and I just stood there gob smacked.

I could'nt believe what I was seeing, after all she had done to make my life difficult. I had spent hours and hours with that little pony, doing everything correctly and had even got the stage of seriously considering a cattle prod. I often wonder how she is getting on.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Yep, years ago when trying to clip or wash his legs. He would just run into me, shoulder me, send me flying with his big ass, drove me mad! Had to get the vet to sedate him and after a lot of patience he's brilliant with it now. Oh and when I got a brand spanking new trailer, only to find the little devil wouldn't go anywhere near it. Many hours spent trying to persuade him in! He also loads fine now lol


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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I had a tb mare she was three when I got hr I had horses for years before but this one used to bronc me off I always fell off over the head then she carried on broncing on top off me for a few secs (though it felt ages) while I was on the floor. This happened every time I rode her for 18 months then one day confidence and paitence all gone I lost my temper and it was the first and only time I ever used a whip on her and it was the last time she done it and she became a fab horse with me but she did at a very well known equine college do it to another rider and really hurt her I kept the mare and had years of fun and winning comps on her untill she got a strangulated hernia and unfort had to be put to sleep. But I still do not believe bullying horses works they may need a quick repremand but never loose your temper.