when is the next hunt on ? west yorkshire


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25 January 2011
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Hi ! I'm wanting to take my daughter hunting she has been once before the other year with a friend. wanting to know if any are on over the next couple of weeks we live in Bradford are willing to travel obviously and do have our own transport. Also does anybody else have a teenage daughter ( mines 15 ) that goes for my daughter to buddy up with there's not many we know where we live that ride out on long hacks, go hunting and basically just want to ride. thanks :)


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Can't help with your second question I'm afraid, but I can tell you there are 3 packs hunting the country close to Bradford, two harrier packs and a pack of foxhounds, so there will certainly be lots of meets fairly close to you (within a 30 minute drive or so). Best way to find out where these meets are is to ring up the Hunt Secretary and explain your situation to them; they will be very welcoming! I've included the basic details of the three hunts the MFHA website suggests hunt around Bradford, and the contact details of their Secretary.

The Pendle Forest & Craven Hunt are a harrier pack, which hunt around the North of Bradford. I think that they especially offer a buddying system to teenagers and children who are visiting. http://www.pendleforestandcravenhunt.co.uk/contactUs/ Tel. 07980 301808

The Badsworth & Bramham Moor are a foxhound pack and have a very large country, all around Bradford. Comprehensive contact details can be found here: http://www.bbmh.co.uk/6.html

The Rockwood Harriers are another Harrier pack, and they hunt the land to the South of Bradford. Secretary's Telephone number: 07754 235971