When is the right time to sell....?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
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I thought this would be the right time to sell rugs and especially a lovely wood exercise blanket on ebay

but it's on ebay ending tomorrow at 99p theres no way I can sell it for that it has a price tag of £37 on it

So I am thinking of removing it from sale, but when do you reckon it's a good time to try to sell it again?

I thought everyone is looking for there winter stuff now?
even I am thinking about getting new rugs now

equally I have a trailer & trap to sell was going to put it in H&H but a person said yesterday that the trap wont sell till the spring
is this true I am only asking £250 for it... seems hard to believe that people stop driving through the winter
like wise the trailer its a real big one that will take 17HH's
spare or repair £250

dont people want trailers for the hunting season???

advice & opinions please....



Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Hi, regarding the rug, I would remove it from sale & possibly put it back on in November time, possibly someone may buy it as a Xmas gift. The trailer will probably get a better price in the spring as people buy them ready for the new season. You could put the trailer on Horsemart, you can have 3 photos & it will stay on there for 60 days. I have no idea about the trap though...never being involved in driving. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
15 June 2005
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If it has a bid on it then I wouldn't, hardly the spirit of ebay. If you listed it at 99p you have to take the risk that 99p is all you will get for it. If you wanted more, maybe starting price should have been higher. How many watchers have you? Bidding can often go mad at the end, but I'm sure you know that, and by removing the rug now you could loose out on a decent price.. Not everything reaches tag price on Ebay, that's why so many people use it..