When will things go right ... :(


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Im having abit of a bad day and wanted to have a moan to be honest. Things never go right for me where horses are concerned.

My horses are so loved and well looked after, i treat them as my babies but i do feel like a charity sometimes due to my luck, well no luck!!

Get a load of this... This is my last 6 years...

My first horse was perfect in every way, he was retired 6 years ago..... when everything went down hill.

I got a 16.1 WB on loan when i retired my old boy. It turned out she had boney changes and wasnt 100% sound all the time, so she went back to her owner. (the owner knew this but never told us)

Then i bought a 17.2 eventer, rode him for 3 months and he went lame on our first XC, it turned out he had navicular and shot tendons (yet he passed a vetting) and sadly had to be put to sleep after a 2 year fight with it.

Then i got Jasper, he was on full loan and a complete loon, started doing really well with his dressage and got his vices out of him, after 6 months he was sold behind my back by the owner, horrid lady!!

Then i got Anny, didnt realise she had been with her companion since she was a foal (11 years) and hated leaving him to come to my yard, it got that bad she was dangerous to handle and started to rear/box at me in the stable, due to a young baby she had to go back.

I then said im not getting anymore horses, i will stick to just having my retired boy, my soulmate. He sadly passed away in March at the age of 30

I hated not having a horse and a month later i got Jack..Who is the horse i have now, he is perfect, a little dressage star, he then fell over in the field and damaged his ligament in his stifle
and was on box rest for 7 weeks. Just been turned out again and by the looks of things he hasnt healed at all

Will i ever get a break ??

Sorry to moan, i just feel a bit sad and wanted to know if anyone else on here has had such cr@p luck as me... Please send me some good luck vibes....
Thanks for listening xx


Well-Known Member
17 September 2008
Essex... In my bubble, floating above reality!!
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Oh poor you!!! I'm sure plenty of people have a tough time! I have wanted a horse since I was a little girl, but its not been easy!!
My parents aren't horsey, nor are they rolling in money to buy me one, so I loaned one from a friend, but that didn't work, then a work colleague loaned me her arab, who was a star, but then relocated, and sold him, and although she offered him to first, I didn't have the funds. I then have loaned and part loaned many more over the years, but to no avail.
I sit here sometimes and wish I could go out tomorrow and just buy MY HORSE... but its not possible at the moment.
One day it will all work, and everything will make sense, and fall into place, and you will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.
Chin Up sweety!!


Well-Known Member
28 April 2007
Aww loads of good luck vibes for you....!

I had a mare I competed for 11 years then bred from, the foal had a wonky leg, which needed op no.1, then the simple gelding went wrong, so back in hospital for op no. 2, then umbilical hernia suddenly increased in size and....op no 3. before he was 18 months old! He's nearly 4 now and has a heart murmer and recently cut his leg (small puncture wound) and needed 4 lots of anti-biotics and more vet visits to shift the infection!

It will pass, just try and focus on positives when you feel down.
You deserev some rather marvellous luck now!!


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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It seems everyone has had crap, at my yard no one else seems to get any, they all have fab horses that are just left in the field being wasted. Sad really. Oh well, definetley chin up!! Thanks guys just needed a slap really lol x

Gorgeous George

Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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Oh dear you poor thing you have had a really rough time and no wonder you wanted a moan. I really hope things come good for you soon.

I waited 30yrs to get my first horse, and 2yrs on I still pinch myself as I can't believe George is mine..........but I keep expecting the bubble to burst.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Hugs hun

I bought my first horse. Long story short - she was pts at four and a half almost a year to the day I bought her. I bought another horse. Within ten days she was lame. A year later, we've worked for about five months of the year, partially due to her lameness and due to my landing on various bits of me.

We await with interest to see what next year brings.