Where to advertise a hunter?


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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I have a cracking horse in to sell for a friend - wonderful I hear you say. Except hunters aren't my forte and I haven't got a clue where to advertise outside of my local hunt. :confused: I have advertised competition horses in H&H before with varying degrees of success, but the prices for the H&H adverts seem excessive for hunters (not that the horses worth it, but you get my drift. I think having only sold competition horses through H&H I see it as a competition horse classified!) Would sending an email around hunts further afield (next door neighbouring hunts, not opposite end of the country!) be bad form? Or any websites that seem to have a good rate for hunter sales? Sorry :eek:


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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60 views and no suggestions?!

I've just re-read the original post and it's meant to say 'not that the horse isn't worth it' with regards to H&H adverts. H&H are pretty unreliable in the advertising department!


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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H&H is expensive and unreliable for the price. I did say above that having only sold competition horses I possibly see H&H as a competition horse classified. I was wondering if there were other places to advertise hunters (such as HorseQuest, does that sell hunters well? All of the other horses I've sold bar two have gone through HorseQuest). And whether emailing hunt secretaries of the local hunts was bad form. Sorry to confuse :eek:


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17 May 2007
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It doesn’t really matter what you see it as though – it’s the people buying the horse that matter! I wouldn’t ring round the hunt secretaries, bit cheeky I think. I see your point about H&H though, it is expensive. Maybe worth a go on HorseQuest if you’ve had success there before. Is it out this season/fit?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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HHO perhaps ;)

I tend to look at horsemart and horsequest more regularly, although I would expect to see a good range of hunters in H&H, perhaps more at the top end of the price range.

I would be interested in seeing ads from neighbouring areas on my hunt website so I'd hope they might be open to this as it's something that members could be interested in. I've seen 1 or 2 classified ads on kimblewick with horses who have hunted with others, although admittedly I suspect those people have also gone out with the kimblewick, so perhaps not seen as quite so cheeky!

Not sure what part of the country you are in but PM me if you're anywhere near the South East please !!


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28 November 2011
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Starbucks - yes, he is most definitely! I don't want to say too much as Bernster has pointed out HHO advertising and I can imagine H&H wouldn't take too kindly to that. I know what his price is, but I haven't got this weeks H&H to hand to compare! I will have a look online to see whether he's 'top end' or not. If he is I suppose H&H is the way to go. I've emailed our hunt sec, and a hunt sec of another hunt (at the suggestion of someone else who is known within the hunt so hopefully that won't be too bad!).


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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No no not at all! I just will be very careful not to say too much about the horse in question! It's a genuine head-scratcher for me that is all! The other thing that confuses me about selling a hunter - how the heck do you go about having someone coming to try it out?! Competition horses can be schooled, hacked out, loaded, taken to a local venue to see away from home...How on earth do you show off a hunter?! Horse is question would never overwhelm you jumping in the school in all honesty, yet you can kick it to anything hunting - how do I convince a potential purchaser? It's a bit risky saying 'here, take it out!' is it not...!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Thank you :)

I know what you mean, I have been looking at hunters and it's a real conundrum. With nearly everything else, you can try them doing what you want but unless you are a seller with a xc on site, how on earth do you show off a hunter? That's why I've only looked at 1 or 2, one from the guy who hires out hunters and the other from a dealer with a good rep who gets them from Ireland where they have done 1/2 seasons hunting and they take them out themselves.

Otherwise, I'd think references and photos are probably the only way to do it, and explaning what you have done or what you know the horse has done. Ofc trials would be welcomed by buyers but I think most people would not want to let theirs go on loan/trial, wtih the risk of having something happen on the hunt field.


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28 November 2011
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Amymay - have done that, don't worry. The master is taking him for two weeks trial on Friday I have just found out.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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No no not at all! I just will be very careful not to say too much about the horse in question! It's a genuine head-scratcher for me that is all! The other thing that confuses me about selling a hunter - how the heck do you go about having someone coming to try it out?! Competition horses can be schooled, hacked out, loaded, taken to a local venue to see away from home...How on earth do you show off a hunter?! Horse is question would never overwhelm you jumping in the school in all honesty, yet you can kick it to anything hunting - how do I convince a potential purchaser? It's a bit risky saying 'here, take it out!' is it not...!

We've sold the odd hunter over the years (have one for sale atm but shan't give details - not advertising lol!) We find good hunters are often quite dull at home (and perk up at the meet), which can make it hard to convince people they're good hunters. If they're perky at home, then they can be nutters once they're out!

We have always offered a trot around a school for the less confident rider, although tbh most hunting people would rather die than be seen in an arena! hacking alone/in company, riding in the open, and an opportunity to see the horse go cross country or the buyer to take cross country, either by themselves or in company. If they're still interested, then they can see the horse out hunting & we can always produce references from the hunt secretary. I would be very wary about letting the buyer actually ride the horse hunting - although we have let them take them cubbing (escorted by me, just to make sure.) The risk of having your horse broken is too great (especially when it's for sale!! - Sod's law and all that!!)

I had a horse many years ago which I let a friend of a friend take out for "an hour" - they insisted on their own saddle and didn't come back until well after 2nd horses. The horse's back was so sore the following day, I couldn't actually touch his skin :(((