If you have a horse that is shod but then have enough that is just trimmed or is shod infront and trimmed behind. Just click of which you think is best.
to me it depends on the horse. my horse has crappy feet and I tried her barefoot and shod just in front. Discussed with farrier and shod all round is the way to go for her.
the other one I am trying to keep just trimmed but it depends on how it goes when she starts work.
completely dependent on the horse! Both mine are unshod and trimmed but for completely different reasons. Caps is retired and Fany's feet are rock hard and she doesn't need shoeing.
I prefer whatever is best for the horse. If they are able to work without shoes then they stay that way, but equally, if shoes are in the horse's best interests they get shod.
Pointless post - depends on the animal! We have four horses - my youngster is barefoot, because she's not even three - all others started with no shoes, and have now been shoed all round as this is the way that suits them best.
Its not a preference, its a necessity thing, surely?
I have one thats shod in front. That was for a reason particular to him.
I have others that are unshod. They dont need shoes.
I have no hard and fast opinion on feet. If they need shoes on, they get shoes. If they dont, great, no shoes. But its according to the horse as an individual, I dont see anything as 'better' or worse.
I am sorry but I don't think this should be down to 'your personal preferences' but dependent upon each individual horse and the demands it faces in the work schedule.