Which of these is the better rider?

Which is the 'better' rider?

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Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Hmm, being awkward here (me, never :eek: :rolleyes:) but I would say the one that:

*is always looking to improve their riding, willing to consider advice given and seek out advice if they feel they are struggling
*always tries to make doing the 'right thing' easy for the horse and has patience and consistency of training
*has plenty of tools in their 'toolbox' and is willing to adapt to suit the horse. Accepts that all horses are different and 'blanket' rules will never work; horses like to be the exception ;) :D

This person could be riding any of the horses described in your poll ;)

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I dont think there is a definitive answer here, someone who can do any of the bottom three choices could probably also do the first on your list.
Most people that work and produce either young or rehab horses will bring them on to use the talent they have which will vary from horse to horse and the main aim should always be, imo, a well educated horse that can perform comfortably as and when required, some will never reach their "potential" but if the rider is happy the horse will probably be a content and well adjusted individual.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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Hmm, being awkward here (me, never :eek: :rolleyes:) but I would say the one that:

*is always looking to improve their riding, willing to consider advice given and seek out advice if they feel they are struggling
*always tries to make doing the 'right thing' easy for the horse and has patience and consistency of training
*has plenty of tools in their 'toolbox' and is willing to adapt to suit the horse. Accepts that all horses are different and 'blanket' rules will never work; horses like to be the exception ;) :D

This person could be riding any of the horses described in your poll ;)

Tis true what you say, but out of the options given, the poll is admittedly bit of a 2D vision of a rider in general..


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Tis true what you say, but out of the options given, the poll is admittedly bit of a 2D vision of a rider in general..

I did say I was being awkward ;) :D

I struggle to get my head around what makes a 'good' rider! A good 'horseman' or woman I would probably find easier to pinpoint, but for me it would be like comparing an F1 driver with a rally driver... sort of... they would both have the skills to make them a 'good' driver within their chosen sphere, but those skills wouldn't necessarily translate to the other sport..

Any of the people in the poll could potentially be a 'good' rider, it takes skill to do any of the options well. A true horseman or woman may even be able to do all of them :rolleyes:

I think I'm even confusing myself now :confused: :rolleyes: