who believes in fate then ?


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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2 or 3 months ago i arranged to go and see a pony for my daughter ,but on the morning we were to go and see him the owner called saying they had changed their minds as they couldnt bear to part with him..yesterday ,slap bang in the middle of my ponys vetting (which she passed,even the dreaded flexion tests! ) i got a text, was i still interested in said pony and did i want to go and see him! we are going to see him saturday, he is an older fella but from from previous conversations we have had he sounds promising.


Well-Known Member
10 July 2005
Mid Wales
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I definitely believe in fate- i think my horse would be dogmeat by now i'f I hadn't bought him.
He's one lucky bugger!!

I was speaking to someone recently and she said that animals 'pick' who there owners are going to be. Obviously they can't literally do this but I reckon fate definitely gives them a helping hand


I do believe in some things being fate, but i don't think this is an example of it........more the owner being very undecided and potentially messing you around


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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Lau..we found our horse completely by accident, went to look at one which was lame when we got there, owner didnt realise until we pointed it out! so dropped into the riding school next door to see if they had anything for sale and thats how we got the horse, hence his showname, twist of fate...he is lovely in many many ways but god is he a miserable sod! i think he suffers from that seasonal disorder SANDS ! lol .

jem1... thats always a possibility but no harm in a bit of possitive thinking eh and at least last time she rang before i left to say she was keeping him! im not going to give her reasons on here, for 1 , i dont think its right and 2 for all i know she might read this forum!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I believe in fate!!

I believe my old horse came to me through fate and if i hadn't of brought him then he would of been PTS by now. Instead i worked hard with him for a year (most people said i was mad some of the things i tried and should give up) but he is now in a nice new home where he is adored and happy.

I also believe that if i hadn't brought him i wouldn't of ended up with the horse i have now who is absolutly perfect for me and everything i have ever dreamed of owning.

Plus all the heart ache i went through with my last horse has really made me appreciate my new horse a whole lot more.


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2 December 2005
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Not sure I believe in fate but that everything happens for the best, even if it's hard to see at the time.

I also think that the best horses find you - and all my good ones (Danny included) seem to have found their way to me through my cousin. Perhaps I should get her to find me an OH lol!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Deffinately! I started to ride a Welshie from some people I know and had just started discussions about me loaning him. He was quite a spooky difficult ride and they always warned me that he would have me off one day! They said that he had even had a good dressage rider off who had trained him in Wales!
Unfortunately one day he got bad colic (wind sucker) and coild not be saved
I was devasted and my husband dragged me out kicking and protesting to look at other horses to buy to take my mind off things. I did not like any of them and had set my heart on another Welshie...but was still grieving.
A friend at his work saw an advert for a Welshie in Wales (I am in Derbyshire) and my husband arranged for her niece to go and try him for me so we did not have to travel a long way. So we then went to see him and I fell in love hook line and sinker! To cut a long story short...in conversation with the seller, it transpired that she had known the horse I wanted to loan and had been the lady he had 'had off' during training!!!! She had spent months working with him and showing him and she was amazed at the ironicness of it all! So even though I knew I wanted my Welshie nuisance...the fate of this sealed the deal completely...she was impressed that I had been out so much on the other horse and sat through his spookiness!!! Spooky!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I also think that the best horses find you - and all my good ones (Danny included) seem to have found their way to me through my cousin. Perhaps I should get her to find me an OH lol!

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I believe that too, i searched high and low for my old horse, all over the country and ended up getting him from Holland. It never worked out and i sold him.

With my new horse the owner contacted ME asking if i wanted her and she was just down the roadand so far she has been perfect for me


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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i do believe animals choose us, all of my animals have come to us in weird and funny ways, my last kitten that i had was weird, i had the pick of the litter and reserved a little black and white girl, 2 wks later hubbys sat in the car and come out with a little black tom, i had this overwhelming urge to have him. several months later the farmer up the road i visited had the kitten and another one of the litter, he told me that the black and white one was besotted with its sister and was constantly crying for it, that to me confirms i made the right choice.