Who Is Right?


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12 March 2008
Who Knows Moved That Often
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So i was at the yard the other day when i got collered by one of the loan people.
Now we had an arguement and i want your opinion on what you think?
He comes to the yard tacks the horse up and goes out galloping everywhere i did take the mare out a couple of times but i found he would come up behind me when cantering down a lane way and over take and that would upset my pretty very young mare.
now i like going in the school with the mare as i like schooling but i like to hack as well he on the other hand does not agree with schooling and says whats the point.
Am i wrong to get upset as he made me so mad and i am worried that he is going to ruin this horse.......who is right??


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
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Its inconsiderate and dangerous to overtake another horse at a canter out hacking, but as for him not schooling, each to their own and if the owner of his loan horse is fine with that then I don't see a problem.

If he's galloping the horse everywhere and its coming home in a state, or if he continues to act irresponsibly, maybe a word with your YO/owner of his horse might be in order.


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24 August 2008
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I'm tempted to pass on some advice from my granny - "if someone upsets you love" she used to say, "bop them on the nose".

However I do not think this would be appropriate. Perhaps a very deep frown and ignore them in the yard is best. If that doesn't work, perhaps a quiet word in their ear about they make you feel. If that doesn't work, take my granny's advice.

Paint it Lucky

Well-Known Member
19 March 2007
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Maybe just tell the man politely that it's not a good idea to go cantering up behind other people on horses, although you'd think it were common sense somepeople just don't seem to know this! He may be new to horses so not realise how upsetting it can be for them. He is probably the type to go galloping past walkers as well and needs to learn some hacking etiquette!

As for him not schooling I wouldn't worry, it is his choice and some people just don't like schooling, he doesn't have to do it.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Did he know that someone got kicked in the throat and killed when cantering too close behind someone's horse. It is grossly rude to canter up behind another horse and overtake.

A well schooled horse is more enjoyable to ride, but there is no rule to say that you should school your horse.