why are there exclusions on his insurance when he has never been seen for it?


Well-Known Member
18 March 2011
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so i was looking at my insurance renewal and taz's ligaments and tendons in his hocks are excluded.... he has never been seen for his hocks before, he has never had a problem, i phoned the insurance company and they said the vet had given them all the information but i phoned the vet and they said that they have only ever sent them about abscesses and when he de-nerved his foot (which was a large claim anyway)

but the insurance company will not re-instate his hocks :( what can i do?

also he had an abscess in his rear left hoof 5 years ago and they still havent re-instated that foot surely that isnt going to cause any on going problems especially not now as it hasnt re-occured

so what is this whole thing with exclusions and can i ever get them removed?
im with petplan btw


Well-Known Member
30 November 2007
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Have you asked them for what reason they have put these exclusions on? What conditions are they excluding exactly?

I think that's pretty ridiculous to be honest and this is coming from someone who was an equine insurance underwriter for about 7 years (up until last year). To be honest though as far as horse insurance is concerned PP p*ss me off a little bit. my horse has been insured with them for 16 years but, when he turned 19 I thought it may be worthwhile to insure him for vets fees seeing as PP will do this to the age of 25.

I had never ever made a claim and he's never ever been sick or sorry. They wanted a 2 stage vet cert. Fair enough. Had that done and vet didn't put any notes of lumps bumps or anything (it is only a 2 stage vetting after all so is a snapshot of how that horse was on the day). PP were not happy with this so then asked the vet for the full veterinary history!!!! They then excluded nailbind as that's all my horse has ever had! I was fuming - WHY ask me to fork out money for a vetting when they weren't going to accept a clean one?? Made no sense - of they'd asked for veterinary history in the first place then fine - would have been a lot cheaper!!! they need to sort themselves out with what they are actually going to accept.

We used to have people changing over to us from PP and some of the vague exclusions PP put on policies were laughable - showed that some of their underwriters obviously had NO clue whatsover. I am sure some do but certainly not all.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2010
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Get your vet to contact them, its quite usual for vets to fight this kind if thing and often easily resolved. Phone insurance company and five vet permission to speak to them, then get your vet to fight it.