Why do some people have horses?


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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I wonder. I know of several souls who have horses, look after them like pampered poodles, buy new stable/turnout/fleeces every two weeks,keep them stabled 24/7, buy scented shavings, feed high protein feeds, haylege, don't ride them (or get on for 10 mins in the arena & then come back in again saying they were too naughty) they go out to the arena fully booted, turned out to comp. standard! If lucky,horse might get lunged for 10 mins max, but no faster than sloppy trot. Same souls have new lorries and/or trailers. Their horses have never been in them but have to upgrade to the next model! The poor old horses never go out for a hack".........

Just wondering why....


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I always feel it's because it's our duty to provide the plebs with employment opportunities, I mean SOMEONE has to make all those shavings, decide on perfume, packaging etc. SOMEONE has to work in the feedmills, arrange deliveries etc. SO it's up to us to make sure we get our new Oakleys on order so that the good people of Ware have a chance to do a roaring lunchtime trade as the Oakley employees need feeding, to do a bit of local shopping etc.

Seriously though, surely you have something better to do with your life than whinge about how other people choose to live. I mean does it really affect you so much?


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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they probably wonder why i have a horse....his shoes are off for 3 months He is wearing eau de clarts by the bucket load and is roaming around his 10 acres at will.
come spring i will pimp him up a bit stick some new jimmy choos on and take him for a couple of spins round the block.
Come to think of it why do i have a horse?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Why do some people have horses?

Hmm, simply because they can I suppose ;):)

I don't need more than one horse, but I have a great many more than that, just because I want to, they don't do a damn thing except eat a huge amount of food.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2009
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Why do some people have horses ?

Because they can; Unless they are suffering in anyway, I don't give two hoots what anyone does with their own horses or what they have or don't have.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2007
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Why not? I couldn't care less what people do with their horses so long as the horse is healthy and happy.

If they want a big pet, it's their choice. It's also their choice what they spend their money on.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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What I don't understand is those with horses that refuse to pay them an ounce of attention and fob them off to the nearest kindsoul/push over who in turn is forced into looking after and feeding them rather than letting the poor creatures rot.

From the many rants of my friend that has to put up with this, theres ponys on her yard that have had maggots in sheaths and sarcoids pouring with blood as she puts it " smells like a slaughterhouse" from sheer neglect and the ignorance of their owners who refuse to spend a penny on them and doesn't see what the problem is - yet are more than willling to brag about owning horses in social situations to appear "well off" or "posh" ha!

so yes, I think in some cases people have horses very much as a status symbol.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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Why do some people have horses? I do ask myself that question when I look around my area and see so many 'field ornaments'.

Then I tell myself it's none of my business if someone has five equines in a 5 acre field, visited, fed and given hay every day, come wind or shine. I try to tell myself it's none of my business that a perfect child's Shetland, with the personality of a little saint, just stands around with his 4 year old, 13.2 New Forest mate never being groomed or fussed over or (God forbid) ridden, and the little 12 hand Welsh A who knows here job (teaching kids to ride) inside out and backwards has only seen a saddle twice in the last twelve months, and that the 6 year old TB x Cob mare, who is full of beanz and has a lovely gentle personality, but would make a superb riding / jumping / hunting horse has only been ridden (or even left the field) a couple of times in the past two years since she was broken, and her 15 hand TB friend has never been out at all in that time.

I look at these lovely athletic animals, who spend the day waiting for the 20 minutes the owner spends with them each day, and I think, well it's really none of my business...then I think what a complete and utter waste.

I really have no idea whatsoever why many people own horses, when what they really want is a hamster.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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I always feel it's because it's our duty to provide the plebs with employment opportunities, I mean SOMEONE has to make all those shavings, decide on perfume, packaging etc. SOMEONE has to work in the feedmills, arrange deliveries etc. SO it's up to us to make sure we get our new Oakleys on order so that the good people of Ware have a chance to do a roaring lunchtime trade as the Oakley employees need feeding, to do a bit of local shopping etc.

Seriously though, surely you have something better to do with your life than whinge about how other people choose to live. I mean does it really affect you so much?

No, it doesnt affect me at all! It was a general observation from someone who works in psychiatry!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Why do some people have horses? I do ask myself that question when I look around my area and see so many 'field ornaments'.

Then I tell myself it's none of my business if someone has five equines in a 5 acre field, visited, fed and given hay every day, come wind or shine. I try to tell myself it's none of my business that a perfect child's Shetland, with the personality of a little saint, just stands around with his 4 year old, 13.2 New Forest mate never being groomed or fussed over or (God forbid) ridden, and the little 12 hand Welsh A who knows here job (teaching kids to ride) inside out and backwards has only seen a saddle twice in the last twelve months, and that the 6 year old TB x Cob mare, who is full of beanz and has a lovely gentle personality, but would make a superb riding / jumping / hunting horse has only been ridden (or even left the field) a couple of times in the past two years since she was broken, and her 15 hand TB friend has never been out at all in that time.

I look at these lovely athletic animals, who spend the day waiting for the 20 minutes the owner spends with them each day, and I think, well it's really none of my business...then I think what a complete and utter waste.

I really have no idea whatsoever why many people own horses, when what they really want is a hamster.

Rofl.... It does make you think... I guess at least they have a home... Albeit a rather boring one :D


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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There are those of us who end up in this situation.

I have a just retired 35 year old field ornament, our still perfectly fit and healthy 21 year old cob whos rider moved on and up. And then there is the warmblood who was moved up to.

Unfortunately the younger two belong to my daughter who has largely lost interest. The younger one is looking for a job and the older two I obviously wont sell. Due to work and moving home they haven't had much done with them. Do they care as long as they have food, turnout and a nice warm stable. I doubt it.

A couple of years ago, all of these were doing something, maybe the younger two will again. They could be a lot worse off


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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Your going to hate me then,because my horse was broken in a few years back and hasnt been ridden much since.But you know what He's my horse and whether I ride him or not is upto me.Yes hes a field ornament-( hoping to bring him back into work spring).He has a home for life with me no matter what.
What people do with their horses is their buisiness.
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Well-Known Member
17 June 2011
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What does it matter? :confused:

If they weren't people who wanted companions and field ornaments then even more horses would be pts or abandoned.

If the horses are healthy then what does it matter if they are not ridden, or competed?

If someone wants a pet, what does it matter?

From looking at horses in a field can you really judge the way the owner treats that horse? My horse looks like a right scruffbag every time he's in the field because he rolls for england. I suppose it could also seem like I don't spend much time with him, because I'm at the field at wierd times of day, when most people are working.

Without meaning to sound harsh, its noones business what anyone else does with their horse, aslong as the horse is happy and healthy.

Just my opinion ;) (which doesn't count for much :D )


Well-Known Member
29 April 2008
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Why not? I couldn't care less what people do with their horses so long as the horse is healthy and happy.

If they want a big pet, it's their choice. It's also their choice what they spend their money on.

I agree.

There will always be people in this world who have and those that have not. Life is not always fair.

OP. As long as you are happy with your horse and what you do with it then what other people do is none of your business.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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Your going to hate me then,because my horse was broken in a few years back and hasnt been ridden much since.But you know what He's my horse and whether I ride him or not is upto me.Yes hes a field ornament-( hoping to bring him back into work spring).
What people do with their horses is their buisiness.

You're absolutely right, he's you're horse and within the Animal Welfare Act, you can do as you please. I just think in the example I gave (and around here I could give many more), that it's a waste of five equines, all of whom could be ridden and all of whom could enjoy doing something other than wandering around the same field 24/7, 365.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2011
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Oh my, if these were the only horse owners to complain about the world would be a much happier place for horses. Sadly there are far worse out there, and far too many horses that would gladly swap places with said "pets" :(


Well-Known Member
15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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Interesting reactions.

So, the difference between 'rescue cases', like the Shire horses that were recently posted about on this forum, and 'pets' (and I am excluding retired oldies and LOU companions etc in this), is that in the case of the pets, someone throws a few piles of hay on the ground once a day.

EDIT: To answer ABC: In the example I gave, the five horses / ponies are all well cared for, and given hay once a day, I am not saying they are mistreated in any way shape or form, if they were, I would do something about it. I just think it's a shame that someone owns so many able (and young) equines, and choses to do nothing with them, not even groom them and spend time with them.

Like I said, it's none of my business, it does not mean I am not allowed to think it's a waste of good horses.
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Well-Known Member
22 October 2011
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But unless you are there every minute of every day, how do you know she only spends twenty minutes with them? I have never seen some of my fellow liveries, but I presume they come up as horses are always mucked out, hay and watered.

They probably think I never groom or ride my horse as we are always down at different times...

Also, how do you know they are all rideable and not just field sound? Even if they were sound... I think my horse would be mega jealous of their lifestyle!!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2011
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NeilM - if they genuinely are just dumped in a field albeit with food and water then I can see why you think its a waste (but do not agree) but like the poster above me said can you be 100% sure that the owner doesn't spend more time with them?

I can see both sides but I think ultimatley as long as the horse is okay then there is no issue with it not being ridden/competed/lunged. Being handled IMO is another matter.

I think it depends on the circumstances, each case is different :)


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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I don't understand the issue... maybe I'm a silly sausage.. horses happy, well and molicoddled (first post) or horses/ponies fit and happy in a field... I think I'm missing the issue. Hey Ho I'm off to go spend time reading a post of some poor horse ridden, beaten and wearing poorly fitting tack.. here I believe we have a right to stick our noses in.


Well-Known Member
19 September 2011
Usually with my ponio :)
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I am one of these :D I have had the boy 15 years and he is just my baby, i walk him out and only ride here and there but then i do have a couple of kids who have a bit of fun on him and keep him active :)

Sceneted shavings??? lol xx


Well-Known Member
21 April 2007
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Well being a well fed field ornament doesn't always equal fit and healthy.

My first two ponies were rescued from a neighbour who had moved to the country and found themselves with 9 acres, so bought a couple of ponies to look the part. From a distance they looked fine, until you saw them close up and found they were riddled with lice, had massively overgrown feet, infected frogs and soles, and one was suffering from laminitis. Presumably they were full of worms too, although in those days there weren't worm counts.

I looked after them for the owner for a year - it turned out they were grateful for the offer of help as they didn't know what they were doing. Then eventually we bought them, and I still have one 25 years later. I know not all field ornaments belong to people who haven't a clue, but I'm sure they're not the only ones.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Well I guess I'm bad in all areas. I have three I do nothing with who are "fobbed off onto the nearest kind soul", two who are wasted and just dumped in a field and fed a pile of hay once a day and a further two who are kept without a blade of grass between them and not utilised to their potential.

Or should we rather read that as I have three out on loan, two teaching children to ride, have confidence in their abilities and to work with others and one who is out as a companion until her foal is here. I have a further two who are very elderly, mostly retired and who do best living out until the weather gets so miserable that they would rather be at home wandering round the yard and my last two are my current riding horses who live at home and are exercised but have to put up with "turnout" in a woodchip arena rather than in the field for various reasons.

Honestly these posts do annoy me. Unless there is a welfare issue, which there is not as the OP describes it, why should it be anyone else's business how any of us choose to keep our horses?


Well-Known Member
14 July 2010
South West
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Err, I have a perfect child's leadrein pony 'languishing' in my field at the moment. She is unlikely to ever work in this job again - not because she can't but because she now has a different job - as companion and horsey mentor to my young Sec D.
And the reason she is with us - because we have a set-up which means we can manage her health/weight-wise. For a ruffty-tuffty little native she sure enjoys her creature comforts so she gets them, and why not?


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Err, I have a perfect child's leadrein pony 'languishing' in my field at the moment. She is unlikely to ever work in this job again - not because she can't but because she now has a different job - as companion and horsey mentor to my young Sec D.
And the reason she is with us - because we have a set-up which means we can manage her health/weight-wise. For a ruffty-tuffty little native she sure enjoys her creature comforts so she gets them, and why not?

So what? She's doing the job that my perfect child's pony did for several years for my very elderly Section D. I have to say that mine is back out on loan because one of the bigger horses broke and is now doing the companion thing for the oldest boy and I knew the two boys together would run her ragged and anyway she LIKES children and is very happy in her work again. She was also very happy as a field ornament playing Darby and Joan with the old lad.

Your pony, you decide how her life is best managed to fit in with yours:D


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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I have 3... 26, 19 and 4. I do what I can with them but looking after them takes up what time I have and that is the priority over riding. Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, a bit of mutual grooming or a welcoming whicker is enough to make my whole day seem a little bit brighter