Why do some people have to be so spiteful


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Well my wonderful farrier offered me the ride of his daughters elderly horse a few months back and sadly he went lame so I never got the chance to ride him. Anyway, he has now been sound for about a month so today I finally got to ride him and so hacked him out with his daughter. We had a lovely ride and got back to the yard in one piece planning to go out again tomorrow.

Now my yard is next door to my farriers yard and Mickey's owner X's yard is just round the corner. While we were untacking X rode past and looked me square in the eye before saying "Oh B (farriers daughter) my J (X's daughter) is at home all week so you really must text her and arrange to hack out together this week - completely ignored me but looked very smug! We must also remember that for X to hack out (or even ride except when competing) is a rareity and for her daughter to hack out is simply unheard of!

So she then continues on up the road and I just assumed that she was just being rude (no surprises there) and ignored it.

I then go on to mine to feed and muck out Till's and about 10 minutes later Kiri comes up the road past the yard and so I below over the hedge "How was your ride" to which she replied "good thanks, could you bring Mick's tea round in a bit?" Me: "of course - just need to muck out and then I'll be round". Kiri "Ok, or if you mix it and Im done before you I'll walk across and get it" Me: "fine, see you in a bit" - all this while she is still walking up the road and of course we have to raise our voices so we can hear each other.

Get roound to X's yard (who by now has gone home) to be greated with a very upset child. X has only gone and had a go about Kiri being on Fi's (my) yard - which she wasnt - and has told her she doesn't want to ever see her anywhere near Fi's yard again. kiri tries to explain that she was anywhere near Fi's yard and that we were simply shouting at each opther as she went past to which X says that thats just as bad, rants a little more and then says "and if you've got a problem with that then speak to your sister as its all her fault" before storming off catching her 2 yr old who has done very little other than be lead to and fro the field, beats him wityh a lunging whip (and I mean beat him as I could hear her cracking it from my yard and kiri was very distressed by it) just because he hasn't been taught how to trot inhand yet and "he's a horse, he knows how to trot - if he doesn't listen then he gets a good wallop for it as its the only way he'll learn to respect me"!!!! WTF!!! Apparently she also mumbled something as she then left the yard about me riding farriers horse and was very rude about me!!

Why do some people have to be so god damn spiteful? Im not after sympathy or anything like that - I know you all feel that we should get out of this horrible loan but sadly its easier said then done - we've been told that if we want to get out we can but not to expect him to still be here in 6 months as "I don't have time to look after the little sh!t so he'll just have to live out with the rest of them - if he gets laminits thats just tough and he'll have to have the bullet as Im not treating it!" so you see the predicament we're in. BUT, if it was my choice to get out it would have ended months ago as this is just emotional bullying and its wrong!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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I am not sure that I have fully understood this story, but I did get that these horrible people are continuing to make you miserable. I think you are a star for putting up with this continually, all for the sake of the pony. Many (if not most) people would have given up ages ago.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Sorry - really didn't explain it at all well having read it back! I came in and just had to "vent" so it all sort of spilled out


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Would love to buy the pony but sadly there is no way she'd sell - she doesn't want him but she doesn't want anyone else to have him. I think by this time next year we'll have let him go - kiri is coming round to the realisation that we can't keep going on like this and that she can have something of her own if she lets him go.