Why do they do it??


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Well as we all know Ellie is for sale and everytime someone has arranged to come and see her she has injured herself or thrown a shoe etc and it is becoming a running joke as to what she is going to come up with next!!

Well we had someone coming to see her last night and on Tuesday she decided to keep up her rep by throwing a shoe. Luckily we was one step ahead of her this time coz the farrier was due in the morning.

Anyway she was as good as gold waiting for the people to turn up, she stood like an angel (as usual) for ages coz they was late. People arrive, look her over and we start to tack up!!! She then decides this is all going too well as too many smiley faces so she rears up as the saddle is going on, thrashing about until the string is broke and then stands there looking rather smug with herself. Me and my friend are totally lost for words and just kept apologising as it was totally out of character. Managed to get the saddle on, pull legs and stupid horse sits down like a dog!!

People still want to see her ridden, she is good with me, good with one of the people, then the 2nd person gets on and Ellie refuses to move, person finally gets her going, has a little trot around and then we take her up. Half way back to the stables she decides to dig her heels in again. Person was kicking her, patting her and telling her she was good but Ellie was having none of it. We told person to be a bit firmer as she can take the p*ss sometimes and Ellie through a strop, spinning round, sitting down and threatening to rear (something else she has never done).

Person quickly jumps off, i get back on and she walks on perfectly happy as if nothing has happened

Luckily for some very strange unknown reason these people are still really interested.

I'm serioulsy thinking of getting one of those horse readings done on her to see what is going through her head!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I know i cant believe they are still interested too

They only want to take her on loan for the first 3 months though which is understandable considering the circumstances.

Got a few more people coming to look though so we will see what other tricks she has up her sleeves.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2005
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Oh what a pain Kelly - Sorry your having such bad luck with such a lovely hossie - I think she's fabbydabbydoodles (When I came along lol, she felt 17hh as I'm usually on the 11hh ones, but she still put up with me fabulously!)
I'm sure the right home will come along soon! It's good the people are still interested, keep us updated!