Well-Known Member
i think im slowly loosing the will to live (and becoming skint in the process)
im still desperately trying to resolve the head issues my mare has acquired, since a lovely trainer did something to her
- havent got a clue what but she now head bangs when ridden or in the field which she didnt do before she was sent away.
so, so far this month, shes had her teeth done £50, im waiting for my saddler to come back to me with a date he can come, shes booked in to see Tim Jarman on the 23rd June ( long waiting list
and another £60) bought her a new bit (thank god it was only £8) and yesterday bought her a new noseband at £50! ive booked a lesson with another dressage trainer (Hannah Moody) for 11th June so hoping she can help me if nothing else.
wondering whether i should just sell the bloody os!
im still desperately trying to resolve the head issues my mare has acquired, since a lovely trainer did something to her
so, so far this month, shes had her teeth done £50, im waiting for my saddler to come back to me with a date he can come, shes booked in to see Tim Jarman on the 23rd June ( long waiting list
wondering whether i should just sell the bloody os!