Well-Known Member
ignore the clean bowl with the fresh water in it which is permanently on the floor for her but every time I produce a glass of water for myself, she sticks her paw in it and laps water off her paw?
Because she can. The joys of cats.
The other thing I don't get is why they are so finicky about food? She loves her dry food (biscuit things which are supposed to be a complete food) but is tremendously picky about wet food. She will only eat stuff in jelly, and what she likes today, you can guarantee she will turn her nose up at tomorrow. One day she likes Whiskas so BF buys a big box, then she decides she cannot possibly eat that and will die unless you give her Sheba. She will walk to her feed bowl (with fresh food in), sniff it, walk away in disgust then fall down dramatically a few metres from said feed bowl as if to say "how can you possibly expect me to live like this, look at me, I could die at any moment, all because today you gave me Whiskas with RABBIT in, instead of CHICKEN, argh you people".
they aren't all like that-my cat will eat anything (I don't feed dry food at all). Aldi, Asda, Sheba, Lily's Kitchen, Whiskas, raw chicken -in fact the only thing he didnt like was some Beef Nature Diet and I don't blame him, looked and smelled like corn beef. All washed down with tap/puddle water and whatever he catches outside (and I see him with at least one vole/mouse per day).
My dog however, is getting more finickity the older he gets-he'll now only eat Lily's Kitchen (at over £5 a day, I think not) or Nature's Harvest.
How old is he now? Ours did get quite picky as they got older too.